Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Things to Do With a Toddler in Chicago

    American Girl

    • The American Girl company is a doll brand that is a favorite with little girls of all ages. The company produces dolls, accessories and books and has its headquarters in Chicago. The company's flagship store offers little girls an entire day of enjoyment, from beauty parlors where the girls and their dolls can get a makeover, to a film screening room showing American Girl short films. There is even a restaurant where the girls can have a tea party with their dolls.

      American Girl Place

      835 N. Michigan Avenue

      Chicago, IL 60611



    • Farm-in-the-Zoo is an interactive site designed specifically to give little ones a taste of what a working farm is like. Toddlers can pet gentle farm animals and play at mock cow-milking, butter churning and produce picking. This old fashioned red barn has activities for older kids as well, making it an ideal spot for a family of all ages. Located in the Lincoln Park Zoo, the farm gives you a chance to take in the park as well.


      2200 N Cannon Drive

      Chicago, IL 60614


    Chicago Children's Museum

    • The Chicago Children's Museum is near the Navy Pier and is an ideal way to spend an afternoon after visiting the pier with toddlers. The museum has 15 permanent exhibits pertaining to children, like toys through the years and beloved children's characters. The museum also has several play areas appropriate for small children. Price is $10 for adults and children, and free for children under 1, as of October 2010.

      Chicago Children's Museum

      700 E Grand Ave

      Chicago, IL 60611+3577


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