Home & Garden Home Improvement

5 Amazing Cleaning Facts

After surveying dozens of people who have spent their professional lives cleaning London kitchens and toilets, here are the five most amazing cleaning facts they came up with.
You should feel very honoured.
Amazing Cleaning Fact #1 - Your kitchen is the dirtiest room in your house: positively filthy.
London cleaning pros know that, as long as you flush regularly, your sink is dirtier than your toilet.
More seriously, bacteria left over from food preparation and disposal is littered throughout your kitchen.
Invest in an industrial strength antibacterial kitchen spray.
Do not simply spray and wipe, as these products need time to do their job.
Spray the spray then watch TV for awhile.
Come back in twenty to twenty-five minutes and give your surfaces a good scrub before wiping up with a clean cloth.
Failure to use a clean cloth defeats the purpose entirely.
Amazing Cleaning Fact #2 - Your sofa is a breeding ground for dust mites, particles and microscopic allergy-causing specimen.
Professional sofa cleaning or a dedicated afternoon hoovering session is required to get rid of these.
The Victorian bashing of household furnishings with a broom handle out of doors is also helpful here.
Imagine all those stray hairs and little particles of dead skin leaving your home.
The thought is positively uplifting.
Amazing Cleaning Fact #3 - Most adults spend upwards of 8 hours a week cleaning London homes and offices.
If you have children, this figure could triple or even quadruple.
Be efficient with your cleaning efforts and don't faff about! You might even have time to take a second job or spend an extra evening a week down the pub.
Amazing cleaning Fact #4 - Club soda is great for cleaning emergencies.
Forget the old wives tales about white wine removing red wine stains unless you want a larger stain composed of both red and white wine.
Apply club soda for sofa cleaning or onto your clothes or carpets and gently dab away the moisture, and the stain, with a dry cloth.
Amazing cleaning Fact #5 - The grand finale: dirt comes from outside! Keep your pavement and entrance ways clean and you may notice a miraculous change in the cleanliness of the house itself.

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