Is Organic Dry Dog Food Better Than Commercial Dog Food?
What you don't know about commercial brand dog food could be hurting your dog.
More and more people are switching over to organic dry food because of the high levels of sodium, preservatives, artificial colors and other additives that are in commercial brands of dry foods.
Organic foods do not have these toxic additives.
Furthermore, they guarantee their ingredients to be pesticide free - but you still need to check and make sure before you buy.
Not All Organic Dog Foods are the Same - Like all products, some brands of organic dog foods are better than others.
Some will provide higher quality ingredients than others.
Some will have whole grains and have high quality proteins.
You will want to do some research to see which brand is best.
Once you find a brand that looks good, try them out.
Check on your dog and see how your dog responds.
If your dog looks like she has more energy, then that is a good sign that you chose a good, high quality organic dog food.
Canned Organic Dog Food is Still Processed - As much as companies would like you to believe otherwise, if it is in a can, it is still processed.
If you must buy canned, then you are getting processed food.
If you are trying to go organic and need canned, then go with sardines as this is the only canned food that you can get that will resemble organic foods.
However, you will need to get some supplements because you can't feed your dog nothing but sardines and expect her to stay healthy.
Three Reasons to Go Organic - 1.
Non-Toxic: Organic dog food is non-toxic.
Your dog will be eating healthy food that is chemical free.
This will protect his liver and kidney functions.
Not to mention, it will protect his immune system and promote a healthy life.
Nutrition: Organic dog food is nutritionally sound.
It contains high quality ingredients that will keep your dog healthy for years to come.
Happy Tails: Your dog will be happy and healthy, and isn't that what it is all about? When it comes right down to it, we all want what is best for our dogs.
Dogs that eat a well-rounded diet are happier and healthier.
Organic dry dog food may not be the most convenient to buy.
You may not be able to find it at the corner store, but it is the healthiest and safest food for your dog.
When it comes to what is best for your dog, organic dog food is the best.
More and more people are switching over to organic dry food because of the high levels of sodium, preservatives, artificial colors and other additives that are in commercial brands of dry foods.
Organic foods do not have these toxic additives.
Furthermore, they guarantee their ingredients to be pesticide free - but you still need to check and make sure before you buy.
Not All Organic Dog Foods are the Same - Like all products, some brands of organic dog foods are better than others.
Some will provide higher quality ingredients than others.
Some will have whole grains and have high quality proteins.
You will want to do some research to see which brand is best.
Once you find a brand that looks good, try them out.
Check on your dog and see how your dog responds.
If your dog looks like she has more energy, then that is a good sign that you chose a good, high quality organic dog food.
Canned Organic Dog Food is Still Processed - As much as companies would like you to believe otherwise, if it is in a can, it is still processed.
If you must buy canned, then you are getting processed food.
If you are trying to go organic and need canned, then go with sardines as this is the only canned food that you can get that will resemble organic foods.
However, you will need to get some supplements because you can't feed your dog nothing but sardines and expect her to stay healthy.
Three Reasons to Go Organic - 1.
Non-Toxic: Organic dog food is non-toxic.
Your dog will be eating healthy food that is chemical free.
This will protect his liver and kidney functions.
Not to mention, it will protect his immune system and promote a healthy life.
Nutrition: Organic dog food is nutritionally sound.
It contains high quality ingredients that will keep your dog healthy for years to come.
Happy Tails: Your dog will be happy and healthy, and isn't that what it is all about? When it comes right down to it, we all want what is best for our dogs.
Dogs that eat a well-rounded diet are happier and healthier.
Organic dry dog food may not be the most convenient to buy.
You may not be able to find it at the corner store, but it is the healthiest and safest food for your dog.
When it comes to what is best for your dog, organic dog food is the best.