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How to Tie a Red String

    • 1). Select a loved one. This person is going to be intimately involved in this ritual. It could be a family member or a dear friend who is willing to partake in the activity with you.

    • 2). Have the loved one tie the string. The string should be wrapped and tied around the left wrist of the person. The Kabbalah Centre states that the initial knot should be a simple one.

    • 3). Continue knotting. Now that the initial simple knot has been made, proceed and knot the string another six times. This brings the total number of knots to seven altogether when you include the first.

    • 4). Make the internal promise. After the bracelet has been formally tied, you must vow that you will do your best to avoid talking or thinking hurtfully or "negatively" about anyone else. This should be a respectful, contemplative and solemn promise even if there is no set or official way to state it.

    • 5). Have your loved one recite the Ben Porat Prayer. This will bring the act of tying the red string bracelet to a close. The most accurate recital of the prayer will occur in Hebrew. English translations of the prayer certainly exist, but as with many things of this nature, certain nuances and meanings are lost in translation (see Resources).

    • 6). Wear the bracelet until it falls off of its own accord. The time spent wearing the bracelet should be used for positive meditation and self-improvement. In the words of the builders of Kabbalah Red, take the time to observe the "beauty and miracles of life."

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