Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

Plantar Fasciitis - Get Relief From Your Foot Pain Today

Twice I have endured the ongoing foot pain of plantar fasciitis.
I'm all too familiar with the agony of taking that first step getting out of bed.
Of limping as I got ready for work.
I got very little good information about what I could do to ease my pain from the medical experts.
It was only by accident that I stumbled across this wonderful exercise which helped to relieve the anguish of getting up in the morning.
Why The Morning Pain Is The Worst Plantar fasciitis is caused by the plantar fascia, ligaments on the bottom of your foot, having pulled away from their normal attachment at the base of the heel.
When you sleep, the plantar fascia contracts as you foot is at rest.
As the foot is not fully extended, it works at healing and attaching more firmly to the heel.
When you get up in the morning and try to stand, you are forcing the fascia to fully stretch out quickly.
This causes extreme discomfort and may undo the healing that took place overnight.
Many physical activities require a few minutes of stretching to warm up before participating in the activity.
If the warm up is skipped, the chance of injury or a pulled muscle is increased.
So what you need before you get up out of bed is a warm up routine for your foot.
Seems logical doesn't it? I discovered an excellent method for decreasing that morning pain.
It's a quick exercise that warms up the plantar fascia and assists those shorten ligaments to stretch out gradually.
It's called the Point and Flex Toe Curl.
Do it before getting out of bed and after you've been sitting for an extended period of time.
  • Stay sitting and straighten your legs resting your heels on the floor.
  • Point your toes.
    Now curl your toes under.
    Hold for 10-20 seconds.
  • Then slowly relax and flex your foot up bending at the ankle and curling your toes up to a fully flexed position.
    Your foot should now be angled as if you were standing.
    If this starts to hurt, only go part way.
    On the next repetition go a little further.
    Ease into it.
  • Hold again for 10-20 seconds.
  • Then relax again for a few seconds and repeat.
  • Do a set of 3 to 5.
    Take your time.
    You are coaxing the fascia to wake up and stretch.
After a few days you will know how many repetitions you need to stretch out to reduce your foot pain.
This provided relief for me.
I hope it works as well for you and gets your day started without pain.

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