Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Cancer Treatment Scams

Cancer is a serious and terrifying disease.
The very word "cancer" is enough to scare the socks off of average people.
The scam artists of the world know this.
They make very, very large fortunes by preying on the fear of cancer that is coupled with a basic mistrust of "the system" that those who are part of the baby boomer generation have.
Now, I am not saying that the health care system is flawless.
It isn't.
But there is not a secret cure for cancer that is being withheld from the public, either.
You can bet that if there were a magic little pill that would cure the most dreaded disease on the planet, it would be available (albeit at a dear price) to the public.
There ARE alternative medicine cancer treatments that are effective in relieving the pain without the use of drugs.
Nutrition IS important to good health, but there is NOT a food or a food plan that will cure cancer.
There is NOT a dietary supplement or a magic combination of dietary supplements that will cure cancer, either.
No matter how much you pay for these bogus treatments, they aren't going to work.
Well, they WILL work to line the pockets of the creeps that are out there promoting them, but they won't work to cure cancer.
"Caveat emptor" is Latin...
it means Buyer Beware! Buyer Beware is a good motto for cancer patients who are searching for a magic cure for the dreaded disease.
There is an old saying that applies here, too.
"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
" When we are afraid - when pain and death are very real possibilities - it is only natural to look beyond the established medical community in hopes of finding a cure.
Cancer patients just need to be aware that so far, there IS NOT a cure within or outside of "the system.
" There is treatment, though.
And more and more cancers are being cured everyday.
There IS hope, so don't give up.

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