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Recruiting Website - Do You Really Need It?

Organization size - the yardstick for success So, we understood that our organization size determines the size of our success as MLM distributors.
We also know that like any other line of business, success is directly linked to hard work.
We have also heard many advices from all directions, some of which we have even adopted.
Most of us have already crystallized working methods that seems to be working for us.
However, it is clear to us that without constantly checking ourselves, our methods and beliefs, without attention to new technical options, constant learning and self improvement, we will not be able to extract the most out of our business potential.
Without disapproving any of the current operating methods to find and recruit prospects, I would like to shed some light, and logically analyze, one of the most effective ways to increase our organization steadily: The recruiting Website.
Recruiting prospects as a number game Let us understand one simple fact: Prospects' recruiting is a statistical matter! It is a number game.
To simplify the explanation let me define the following terms: A - Number of prospects which have been accessed in a certain period.
B - Number of distributors out of A After working in Network marketing for some time we realize that for each distributor - or organization - there is (in average) a constant relation between A and B.
In other words: from A number of prospects we can recruit only B number of distributors to our organization.
This relation between A and B is called "Conversion rate".
What is your conversion rate? For a demonstration of this concept, think about your experience for the last 12 months.
How many people you have approached (personally or your organization in total)? How many of them are in your organization today as distributors? It's a very low number.
Isn't it? Without going into the reasons, let us accept it - at this stage - as a fact.
Let us assume that from every 100 prospects you have approached, 2 prospects have become distributors.
Hence, your conversion rate is 2%.
It becomes clear now that if your goal is adding 4 distributors to your organization, you have to find and "process" at least 200 prospects.
You may add 3, 5 or even 6 distributors out of 200 prospects, but, if your conversion rate is 2%, than for a larger number of prospects over a longer period of time you will still get 4 distributors out of every 200 prospects in average.
The bottom line The conclusion we draw from the above is simple: In order to increase our organization in the shortest possible time, we need to increase both A and B.
Increasing A: Our goal here is to find ways to reach - on a constant basis - to the number of prospects (leads) that will enable us to add a predetermined number of new distributors to our organization.
Improving B: A higher conversion rate is crucial in exploiting the most out of the leads we have invested so much thoughts, time and money to accumulate.
Let us now discuss each of these components: Increasing A: Every new distributor needs a quick first success in order to be reassured in his new way.
The shortest possible way to get to that success is by recruiting people you already know.
In other words: friends and family.
This is why so many sponsors recommend starting with what is called: the hot list.
So we follow the advice, we assemble a hefty list of, say, 100 prospects and invest a whole month in going through this list.
At the end of the month we find out that we managed to recruit 2 or 3 people to our organization.
So now what? The instant source of prospects has been exploited, and it becomes clear that this is not the answer for the long term.
Common methods to find leads If we exclude the expensive method of buying leads, here is a list of the most common methods to add new leads to the "pipe-line": 1.
Business cards 2.
Flyers distribution in people mail boxes 3.
Wearing publicity buttons 4.
Approach people in public (shopping centers) 5.
Stickers 6.
Advert on your car 7.
Adverts on public boards in your area 8.
Adverts in local newspapers 9.
Local radio stations advertising 10.
Buying email lists 11.
Internet advertising 12.
Recruiting Website All these methods are legitimate and have been successfully implemented.
Which of these methods should I use? Before you practice each one of these methods, you should ask yourself the following important questions: 1.
What is the cost effectiveness of this method? How much resource of time, thought and money I expect to invest to recruit 1 prospect? 2.
What is the quantity of prospects I can achieve using this method? How many prospects I expect to add to the pipeline in a month? Is there a limit to the number of prospects I can find this way? 3.
What is the prospects' quality this method produces? High quality leads are informed prospects.
These people have already received information about the business opportunity before you even talk to them.
We will let you examine the above methods in light of the questions here.
Improving B Conversion rate - for a large extent - is personal.
Hypothetically, if two distributors would approach the same group of prospects, their success ratio in recruiting distributors from this group is likely to be different.
However, if we take two distributors with the same conversion rate, and let them "process" two groups from a different source (say an add in the newspaper and a recruiting Website), who do you think will have a higher rate of success? I think the answer is obvious.
Beyond personal ability - that requires continuous self improvement -, conversion rate directly correlates to the quality of prospects and the source from which they have arrived.
A recruiting Website is a prime source of quality prospects Let us go back to the list of the 12 common methods detailed above.
It is interesting to note, that from the prospect's point of view, the first 11 methods have one thing in common: In each one of them, the prospect receives minimal information.
Each one of these methods is using a short phrase or some kind of a teaser so people are enticed to contact you.
A recruiting Website is different.
Here you have your own stage.
Here you present the surfer with the information you want, at the way you want.
A surfer which has submitted the application form in your recruiting Website has became a quality prospect.
These prospects have gone through a filter, have taken an action and expressed interest in what you have to offer.
It does not come as a surprise though, that the conversion rate of prospects originated from recruiting Website, is significantly higher than any other method.
Few more reasons why a recruiting Website is essential to distributors 1.
A recruiting Website is the most cost effective marketing channel.
The big equalizer: A small business has the same opportunity to make a convincing presentation as a large business.
The Internet has no borders: As opposed to the other methods your Website is everywhere.
Your message is there all the time: every hour, every day all the year.
Your competitors are there.
Can you afford not to be there? Let us follow the logic of the arguments we have built up to now in a few short sentences: 1.
Our goal is success 2.
Success is measured by the size of our organization 3.
The size of our organization depends on the number of prospects we can "produce" and our conversion rate 4.
The number and quality of prospects we can produce is linked to the marketing channels we use 5.
A recruiting Website has the highest conversion rate over all other methods because of the quality of the prospects it delivers.
When you think of the hard work you invest, the time, the money, the fact that you need to process so many people to purify those who become distributors at the end of this process, you realize that the best possible results can be produced by using a recruiting Website.
This is part 2 of the series "Network marketing success - The logical approach".
In part 3 we will explain how you can have a professional recruiting Website in the shortest possible time, and what should be included in such a Website.
Part 1: Network marketing success - The logical approach Part 2: Do you really need a recruiting Website? Part 3: Recruiting Website: A guide to MLM distributor Part 4: How to advertise your Website

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