The Reykholt Music Festival in Iceland
Each year in the last week of July, the Icelandic town Reykholt offers visitors and locals a weekend filled with classical music. This annual event is known as the Reykholt Music Festival (in Icelandic: Reykholtshatid).
The Reykholt Music Festival is celebrated in the Church of Reykholt (related to Iceland's Church Day). This fairly modern church was once the home of Saga writer Snorri Sturluson. The small town itself is located north of Reykjavik, in the west of Iceland.
Here, Reykholt celebrates a festival of classical music. Internationally known musicians and performers play a colorful program of classical music in and around the Church of Reykholt.
At this annual festival, you hear true classics of classical music, and can enjoy melodies created by Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, along with more nordic pieces and traditional pieces from Iceland. You can read more about the upcoming Reykholt Music Festival at the official website.
-> Find more Annual Events in Iceland
The Reykholt Music Festival is celebrated in the Church of Reykholt (related to Iceland's Church Day). This fairly modern church was once the home of Saga writer Snorri Sturluson. The small town itself is located north of Reykjavik, in the west of Iceland.
Here, Reykholt celebrates a festival of classical music. Internationally known musicians and performers play a colorful program of classical music in and around the Church of Reykholt.
At this annual festival, you hear true classics of classical music, and can enjoy melodies created by Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, along with more nordic pieces and traditional pieces from Iceland. You can read more about the upcoming Reykholt Music Festival at the official website.
-> Find more Annual Events in Iceland