Studying in Aarhus
What does it take to study in Aarhus? Before a student applies to study in a foreign country such as Denmark, the student must do extensive research in regard to the things that he or she should know about the education system in that country.
The town of Aarhus is a student town and it is an attractive town at that, close to both water and woods. This makes it an ideal place for a wide variety of outdoor and sporting activities.
One should also know that Denmark is rated among the top twenty countries with the best education system in the world.
Students should make sure that they have all the information in regards to the following issues:
Visa Requirements
For you to study in Aarhus, you must apply for EU/EEA student or a non-EU student permit, depending on your nationality. European citizens, you are free to enter and study in Aarhus. For international students who are not from the Scandinavian countries, it's important to note that they are required to apply for a resident permit before arriving in Denmark. This should be done three months before leaving for Denmark. This is due to the fact that it takes up to three months to obtain the permit. The application process can be done online.
The Most Popular Schools in Aarhus
The following are some of the schools which are among the favorites in Aarhus:
The Aarhus University School of Engineering
The Danish School of Media and Journalism
The Royal Academy of Music
The University College Capital
The Aarhus School of Architecture
The Aarhus School of Business
The VIA University College
The Admission Requirements
For one to be admitted to a Danish university, one should have a high understanding of the English and (preferably) Danish languages, both written and spoken. It is also important that your qualifications must align with the Danish entrance requirements.
The university in which you have been accepted to requires you to send them your academic qualifications within their original envelope and/or certified stamps. You can also request two people who are not related to you to sign on the back of the academic certificates to prove the validity or the originality of the education certificates.
For undergraduate students, you must apply before March for admission in August or September. For postgraduate students, the application date is flexible.
Cost and Fees to Study in Aarhus
The first thing that you should be aware of is that you can't get a residence permit if you have not paid your fees. If you have a scholarship, you are not required to pay any fees. If you are a student from abroad or even outside the European Union, you will receive information about the payment of fees from the university that you have been admitted to.
Practical Tips
The following are some of the practical tips that can help you while studying in Aarhus:
You should direct any questions about the course materials, the first day of classes and schedules to the admissions office of the university you have been admitted to. This will help you to be aptly prepared before the semester begins.
It is important for you to have arranged proper health care coverage before arriving in the country. This ensures that you are properly covered in case of any emergencies.
You should try finding accommodation before arriving in Aarhus. This will ensure that you have a place to stay when you arrive. You can also request the admissions office to give you recommendations on the best places to stay in Aarhus.