Business & Finance Outsourcing

Encobi Contract Management Software

Whom do you trust for your contracting needs- Human or Robot?
Has Contract Management with software got hectic than ever before?
Are you forced to stay satisfied with Plain Automation tools for contracts management?
Does your IT partner fail to understand the difference between simple & complex level of contracts?
Does report seem to be as good as gambling with enormous data?
Here is a revolutionary platform which is adept at giving intelligent insights!
ENCOBI- ENterprise COntracts Business Intelligence is a groundbreaking contract analytical platform which is embedded with human intelligence. It is powered to handle your end to end contracting needs starting from contracts drafting, signage, execution to post execution with utmost precision in quickest possible time.
Encobi gives insights into contracts and relationships in the organization, in order to enable better decision making for the sales team, procurement team, legal team, corporate planning team and more so, the chief financial officer (CFO).

We understand that contracts are loaded with information- business intelligence to be more precise. Synthesized information is power hub for any business. A contract intelligence should be able to give you insights into customer trends, revenue leakages, compliance adherence and upselling opportunities that reside in the contracts.

Encobi enables companies in faster and better decision making. The information embedded within contracts not only gives you the power to understand and interpret historical data, but also enables future planning and execution. Get the power of Encobi to support your decision making
Key Features:
Single Repository for all contracts
Dynamic Reporting Engine
Legal and Compliance - Best practices
Single View of Counterparty
Legal and Compliance - Best practices
Key Benefits:
Make fast decisions
Plug maverick spend
Bring transparency
Related Services:

Contract Management Services:
Contract specialists at Manthan analyze and extract snapshots of key terms, risks and obligations from your contracts. The drafting team deliver drafts and mark-ups of confidentiality, MSA, licensing, real estate and vendor transactional agreements.

Immigration Services:
Manthan Legal offers rich experience of working in Immigration. We cater in Non-immigrant as well as immigrant visa services to immigration law firms including AmLaw 100 firms:

Medico-legal Services
Manthan Legals team of attorneys, paralegals and paramedical staff work round the clock to ensure that the case moves from intake stage to the demand letter stage in the quickest time. Most delays in personal injury and medical malpractice cases are in retrieving and processing medical records. Manthan Legal shall cut down pre-litigation cycle time.
Deposition Summaries
A blend of litigation experience and excellent synopsis writing skills make our team very effective in delivering high-value deposition summaries. We produce a quick turnaround time and deliver cost savings in the process. Our attorneys conduct deposition summary and analysis by bringing a keen eye for details, ability to capture the most pertinent facts and deliver a neat summary of the deposition. We provide cross linking of the summary to the deposition document. We can also map the depositions into case map or other litigation tools.
Legal Research
We at Manthan Legal understand that finding the law is an important part of legal research, but the ability to analyze what you have found and reach a conclusion or formulate an argument based on it is just as essential.
Document Coding:
Manthan Legal is specialized in providing low cost litigation document coding to the Law firms & corporate. Our clientele includes AM Law 100 firms & big corporate giants in Financial Services, Healthcare, Telecommunications, IT, Insurance, Automobile & Real Estate

About Us:
Global leader in Legal Process Outsourcing Solutions
Established in 2003, Manthan Legal is a pioneer in the Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) solutions space. Its solutions extend to providing legal technology products and off shore services to US and Canadian law firms and corporations. With its expertise and experience, Manthan Legal today offers a gamut of services including contracts management, litigation support, document review, Intellectual Property (IP) services and administrative support. Its technology products include a Global Legal Research portal and Knowledge Management Systems which are customized for mobile/ tablet applications.
Headquartered in Bangalore, India, Manthan Legal is utilizing its expertise to produce niche products for the legal fraternity which will leverage technology intuitively to deliver outstanding results.
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Contact Us:
Bangalore India:
Gururaj Potnis, CEO, Manthan Legal
E: [email protected] , P: +91- 806 717 1701
Los Angeles, USA:
Vivek Tandon, VP - Client Development,Manthan Legal
E: [email protected], P: +1 213 394 5527
#41, Cristu Complex, Lavelle Road, Bangalore, India-560001
Phone: +91 806 717 1700; Fax:+91 802 299 0586
E: [email protected]

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