Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Natural Remedies for Lowering Fevers

Fever also called pyrexia is defined as an increase in the internal temperature above the normal sense of the body (usually 37 ° C) (rectal temperature higher than 38 ° C, oral temperature greater than 37.5 ° C).
Generally fever showed an abnormal process in the body.
The exercise, high temperature ambient and regular vaccinations of children can also lead to increased body temperature.
Fever can indicate what condition it produces.
It can occur during a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction to food or drugs or may occur as overheating when exposed to the sun or play.
For states of teperature over the normal is good to seek natural treatment.

Fever - herbal recipes
Natural Syrup Raspberry:
Use a tablespoon of natural raspberry syrup undiluted tea or water.
It has the property to reduce fever.

Compresses with tarragon vinegar:
To decrease the temperature, use tarragon (leaves) put in vinegar and apply on the joints of the hands and feet (ankles).
It binds each compressor, with one clean cloth.
Compresses, are left overnight to act.
These compresses tarragon, are able to quickly reduce fever.
Compresses with tarragon vinegar, are particularly suitable for children and elderly who bear heavier fever.

Marjoram oil:
Prepared by macerating fresh marjoram in sunflower oil.
This oil of marjoram, use anointing him around the neck and chest.
fever drops rapidly.

Lycopodium tea:
A lycopodium herb teaspoon dried and crumbled, scald with a cup (250 ml) water, leave one minute and administered, maximum two cups of tea daily. Every cup of tea is put a teaspoon of Swedish bitters. FEVER shrink away!
Hot infusion of elder flowers or hyssop: 2 teaspoons in 200 ml boiling water, from which it drank two teas per day;

Sage Infusion: one tablespoon of dried leaves in 250 ml boiling water, which infuses covered 5 minutes and drink two cups a day, one morning and one evening on an empty stomach before bedtime;
The infusion of wormwood: 10 g dried flowers to a liter of boiled water and infuse 5 minutes of that drink a cup a day;

Infusion of dried sunflower petals: 2 teaspoons in 250 ml boiling water, which is consumed by two cups a day;

Coltsfoot decoction: a teaspoon of dried roots and chopped 250 ml cold water; maceration 12 hours, boil two minutes and drink 1-2 cups, depending on the intensity of the fever;
Wine of the mixture of hyssop, mistletoe, Iceland lichen and willow bark (about 20 grams), which is 8 days maceration in a liter of sweet wine and drink have 3 small glasses a day;

Bitter Swedish domestic consumption (1-3 tablespoons cast incup of tea before and after meals).

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