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Not To Abuse

I have taken vow not to abuse anyone
Show kindness to all and disrespect to none
I have realized it lately but still not very late
I can clearly say this and firmly state

It is unbecoming of a human entity
If you do not realize the gravity
All sorts of praise for selfish ends
Out of tune living and no sense for foe or friends

The human life may not be available in next birth
It should be made memorable and worth
There are many unexplored fields to excel
It must be utilized for performing well

It will be befitting to your aim and mission
Possible that you may not succeed to liaison
People may show affront for your noble efforts
Still at the end of the day you can happy report

The inner voice may definitely respond
You deed and action may certainly correspond
It will be seen and reflected in every move
You have been afforded nice opportunity to prove

You will find many individual kneed deep in crime
They have only one aim to succeed in time
Let any thing happen to their brethren
They have nothing to worry or have any concern

They will live as human being but leave as unnoticed
No one will come to know about what they promised?
It will be treated just as normal departure
They will leave no mark to be remembered in future

You can lead ordinary but with worthwhile appearance
You are quoted all over with very good reference
This is what one is expected to achieve and attain
The fair name stands good and convincingly maintained

People may regard you not for wealth or position
It will be purely for your act and devotion
It is learnt that no one can claim it on any quality
It has something to with action and reality

Great people were loved and honored for their devotion
They always moved with correct direction
People loved them in good faith and followed
They pursued the right path and others too were allowed

It was not for mere show
The sentiment were expressed and allowed to grow
There was fine movement with action to flow
People were ready to sacrifice with only one go

It is not desired on anybody's part to act false
Only simplicity and honesty is expected and nothing else
It may make you worthwhile for good human being
Otherwise we all are jokers in circus ring

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