Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

How to Care for a Baby With Jaundice

    How to Care for a Baby With Jaundice

    • 1). Be sure your baby's intake is adequate. Eating and eliminating can help improve jaundice.

    • 2). Place your baby in indirect sunlight. Sunlight can help break down bilirubin and decrease the levels in your baby. Putting your baby in the light of a window for 10 minutes twice per day can help decrease bilirubin levels.

    • 3). Phototherapy may be prescriped. If natural sunlight doesn't seem to help, you baby may be placed under a special lighted blanket to help breakdown bilirubin.

    • 4). If your baby's jaundice gets worse or is severe, call your child's pediatrician. In severe cases of jaundice, you baby may be readmitted into the hospital. Some babies who suffer from different variations of jaundice may need a blood transfusion, although newborn jaundice usually resolves itself within a few weeks after birth or with limited light treatment.

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