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Why Do Jerks Always Get The Girls While Nice Guys Get Nothing? 3 Vital Facts Finally Revealed

There is a very common saying in our society which goes something like- Nice guys finish last. Well whether you agree or disagree...This saying is true to a very large extent.

Nice guys do seem to finish last quite often while jerks always get the hottest women out there. But why does this happen?

Well simply because the bad boys tend to act in certain ways which naturally trigger attraction and women can't help but feel strong attraction towards such guys. And at the same time nice guys tend to do things which do not trigger attraction due to which they often end up finishing last.

Now read on to discover the vital facts you must understand here...

Attraction isn't a choice and is triggered when a guy is too hard to get...

Now does this ring a bell?

Well as already mentioned attraction isn't a choice and it gets triggered when a guy is too hard to get for the girl. As humans we want things we cant easily have. And this is something bad boys tend to do on a regular basis.

They act in ways which makes women work hard for their attention which directly or indirectly triggers massive attraction and women can't help but fall for such guys.

On the other hand nice guys act too easy which naturally triggers no attraction.

Bad boys display strong alpha male qualities...

Bad boys aren't scared to challenge women and don't really care if the girl they are targeting ends up liking them or not.

All they truly care about is just being themselves and aren't too concerned about the female reactions.

So they always end up displaying strong alpha male qualities which naturally attract women. On the other hand nice guys do not display any such qualities and are always scared to challenge women with the fear that they might get rejected.

Bad boys know that they have enough fish in the pond...

And this is one trait which truly makes them unique in the female eye. Bad boys generally tend to act like they have enough options to choose from when it comes to their potential female choices.

Therefore they never put too much effort into impressing a girl...In fact they don't even care about getting a girl to like them. But on the other hand nice guys always put too much hope in one woman because they have the belief that they will never find anyone else. And this is the major reason why they never seem to get the kind of girl they want.

Now listen carefully-

What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-Click Here

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