Home & Garden Architecture

How do I Avoid Sensitization in Stainless Steels?

    • 1). Keep carbon products away from stainless steel items. Carbon-based products, such as oils, may sensitize the steel over time. Avoid getting oils on stainless steel surfaces.

    • 2). Avoid cleaners that contain abrasive chemicals. Stainless steel may be strong, but chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and iodine will strip the chemical bonds in the alloy. Any cleaner or liquid that contains an acid, chloride, ink, or sulfide should be avoided.

    • 3). Use non-steel wool pads to clean stainless steel. A wool pad helps clean dirt away, but a steel based wool pad may scratch against the stainless steel. Using a non-steel pad effectively cleans while reducing the abrasive effect.

    • 4). Wash surfaces thoroughly with water. Even safe, non-abrasive soap may stain the steel over time. Always wash away the remains of any food material.

    • 5). Dry in the direction of the stainless steel design. Drying the steel along the steel's design helps maintain shape, texture, and look.

    • 6). Add a protective coating to the stainless steel. There are a number of protective compounds that may enhance the lifespan of the stainless steel product. Stainless steel polish is one popular way to protect the alloy.

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