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Simple School Fundraising ideas

Great School Fundraising ideas The most important rule in school fundraising is to gather a good and enthusiastic team together.
Once you've got the support of a team, you can share ideas, and work together to raise funds for your school.
Now, you and your team need to brainstorm!
  • consider your aims
  • decide what you are fundraising for
  • agree on a target amount
  • consider your unique selling points - what makes you different
  • do a skills audit for your team
  • consider the contacts that you already have
There are several ways which you can fundraise for schools:-
  • local fundraising
  • get support from companies
  • grants from government agencies
  • grants from trusts, foundations and charities
  • support from individuals
  • talk about what you have already done - maybe include a newspaper cutting
  • get someone to proof-read your application and make suggestions
Establish a plan of action Working together as a team, develop a plan of action.
Be clear about what you want to achieve, who will be responsible for what, and the proposed time scale Establish regular meetings to review and report progress For larger sums, consider using a fundraising consultant By using these simple steps, you are already way ahead of 95% of schools who wish to raise funds but don't know how, who or what they wish to do! To your success! Thanks for visiting our hints and tips on writing school fund raising.
For further hints and tips on fundraising, visit Simple Fundraising Ideas

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