Home & Garden Furniture

Platform Beds

Platform beds are easily defined. They are beds that use a built in foundation that consists most usually of either a slat system or paneling system that supports a mattress only. No box springs or other foundations are used as the bed itself has its own foundation built into it. The characteristics of platform beds furniture typically can be described as beds that have space and openness beneath the furniture and sleep at about the same or just a bit lower than a traditional mattress box spring bed.

Platform beds are constructed of wood or metal or a combination of both. The more common is the wood platform beds. Sizes available are the same as for traditional beds. One can have a king platform beds, queen, full, and also twin platform beds. Styles include the traditional contemporary platform bed and the platform bed with an Asian influence. The platform beds contemporary style can be customized to fit in with any of today's decor. The oriental style includes the popular Japanese platform bed. The Japanese platform beds are popular due to its simplicity and the fact that it creates an illusion of more space.

Platform beds are designed to be used with just a mattress. They incorporate their own foundation into the bed frame that consists of either slats or solid decking. No box springs are used on platform beds as the foundation of these beds is designed higher up providing for more space beneath the bed and a more open look.

Wooden platform beds give the bedroom a simple look and a feeling of being with nature. The low physical profile of contemporary platform beds goes well with other low-set furniture such as low coffee tables, dressers and other bedroom furnishings. Besides being sturdy and strong, metal platform beds score over wood as they require far less maintenance; no more repainting or re-staining. Metal platform bed frames are made of tubular or sheet steel. Sometimes, for effect, platform bed frames can also have headboards and footboards, as well.

Keep in mind that platform beds are strong and the quality of the bed is determine on what and where you purchase it from. The level of quality is determined by your choice of comfort and the price you're willing to pay. Just don't be afraid and leave it out as an option on your next bed purchase. Keep an open mind to it and hopefully you make a wise decision and make it platform beds.

For more information on choosing the right platform beds for your home, check out bedroom furniture extensive array of platform beds and other beds.

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