Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Illegal Immigration Solved!

The other day I was driving along and for some unknown reason I thought about what my platform would be if I were to run for the office of President of the United States.
I think it came from a high level of frustration over our current stewardship.
Forgetting about all the rest of the nonsense for a moment I decided my platform would consist of four primary subjects, all in desperate need of reform.
1 - Security / Safety of America 2 - Education 3 - The Economy / Jobs 4 - Immigration I asked myself what would I do, how would I do it, and how I would pay for it.
Today I want to tell you about my (realistic) idea on reforming Illegal Immigration permanently, once and for all.
Wouldn't that be nice? It's not that hard actually, but your going to have to hear me out.
How to deal with illegals that already live in the US.
The subject of much debate and ideas with little or no real solution.
The basic argument boils down to 'Shale I stay or Shale I go?" One side wants to make all the illegals that are already here citizens or put them on a path toward citizenship.
The other side wants to arrest all of them and ship um home.
Opposite ends of the spectrum.
Let me say they are both right and both wrong.
Here's what we need to do.
Illegal Immigration WILL NEVER be fixed until we can stop the flow of illegals into the US, all illegals.
How do we do that? A wall...
of course, we have to have a wall.
Is it really that tough to figure this out.
I know, your thinking 'they' will still find a way over or under, oh and how would we pay for such a massively expensive endeavor? There are so many ways to build an impermeable wall, seriously it's not that tough.
The Chinese did it a really long time ago and it worked pretty well.
In addition to the wall, we have technology, yippie.
Yes it will be expensive, yes it will take some time, but once done, we have our country back, one-hundred percent.
How to pay for it? That's part two.
We will give illegal aliens that are already in the United States three (3) years to come forward and apply for a special green card / visa / live and work permit, whatever you want to call it.
Once approved they will get a temporary Social Security number that will have a special number or designation, this way they will start paying their fair share of taxes right away.
They will also be able to apply for a drivers license which would bare the same number.
Anyone under the age of 16 will get the Special Alien Card and a Social Security number; anyone possessing these will have the same rights as any other 'Green Card' or Visa visitor.
When one of these individuals is asked for identification by anyone for any reason that person will know they are working with a "legal illegal", (my words).
Think about the new tax revenue this new group would create, how much of the wall would that pay for? Then once applied, approved, and holding their shiny new legal illegal card all they have to do is keep their nose clean for ten years.
That's not too much to ask right? If they fail in any way, commit a crime, not pay taxes, etc, they lose.
Sorry, no longer welcome to the US.
Can they reapply? Nope, sorry.
After the ten year 'Probationary' period they can be automatically converted to a full US Citizen status, no more paperwork; they would simply get their new Social Security card and drivers license in the mail and the 'Legal Illegal' card will be void.
TaDa! Only after the 10 years and they are full fledged Americans can they vote, provided they are over 18.
What if someone does not come forward or apply? Or they are not approved for whatever reason? The bus will be right out the door, see ya.
If someone is stopped lets say within the three year grace period they will be given a special ticket, of sorts, giving them 30 days to apply.
It they don't show up we pick them up.
What happens when the 3 year grace period is over? If an illegal alien has not submitted their application and been approved within the 3 years if they are stopped or picked up for any reason, we send them home, no exceptions.
The wall, if planned out correctly, and not left up tot he government to plan or hire contractors should be close to being done with in the three years.
I know that sounds fast, but rethink it without the government involvement, see! Any way, if not within the 3 years it should be very close.
Remember for every foot of the new wall that goes up the flow of illegals will slow down.
Essentially we are clogging the pipeline.
So imagine, all of the current illegals living in the US would have to be accountable.
Any illegal trying to get into the US will be stopped or at least slowed down until the wall is done.
Tax revenue will go up, crime will go down, people who need help will get help, (especially education), and people who can help will now be able to, even if that just means contributing to the economy.
I vote Yes, how do you vote? Am I missing anything? Do you have a different opinion? Lemme know! Dutch~

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