Health & Medical Mental Health

Learn What is Manic Depression

When people discuss bi-polar disorder they refer to a condition known as manic depression. This is associated with unusual and quick switches from a good mood to a sour mood, when someone says “wow, they're bi-polar”. It is just another in the many forms of depression. Manic depression is not the same as just being sad or upset for over something in particular. Manic depression is more serious than that. Another stage of depression is the diagnosis for bi-polar disorder. Manic depression is diagnosed in millions of cases each year in America. Depression of some form touches 17 million Americans annually.

Unfortunately only about1/3 of those will be diagnosed and receive help. Nothing can be cured if the victim doesn't go for help. Many Americans are hesitant to confront a disease that is categorized as a mental illness. They do not want to be stereotyped as one who must be out of their mind. Brain diseases are generally quite complex. When diagnosed there is a stigma that isn't easy to handle. However, as with any form of depression, the affliction does not make you less a person. It does not mean that you are a nut case. It means you have an illness like any other. If it's identified it can be cured.

The causes of all forms of depression are still being examined in the medical profession. Depression is caused by a wide range of issues. Doctors take into consideration many things such as biological factors, the environment, and DNA. A chemical imbalance in the brain helps cause it. Stress is another major factor in depression. Daily life brings stress, period. Issues at school, with loved ones, or just the daily grind can cause it. Depression does not play favorites. It's a disease for rich people and for poor people. It is not racist. No racial group is less likely to contract this disease.

All the types of depression have similar symptoms. Dramatic shifts in personality and up and down mood swings are some. The advent of sleeplessness is another sign of depression. Helpless feelings, or feelings that the future holds no hope are signs. When everyday life becomes a chore, that's depression. But the depression afflicted have hope. Help is available. Prescription medications as well as natural herbs can cure it. There are also medical professionals that can help your illness through 'talk therapy'”. Support groups can be of assistance with manic depression. The first step in the cure is seeking the assistance.

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