Floor Cleaning Equipment
- The first person to patent the vacuum cleaner, at the time known as a carpet sweeper, was Daniel Hess in 1860. The sweeper consisted of two water chambers that captured fine dirt and dust. The gasoline powered vacuum was invented in 1899 by John S. Thurman. Electric vacuum cleaners gained popularity in the 1920s. In 1969, the self-propelled vacuum debuted, and in 2002, the first robotic vacuum cleaner hit the market.
- Prior to 1797, American brooms were homemade from branches and brush, and fell apart after a short time of use. In 1797, Levi Dickenson constructed a more reliable broom from sorghum, a type of grass that resembles grain. In 1810, the broom machine appeared, allowing broom companies to mass produce brooms. By 1830, 60,000 brooms were being produced annually throughout America.
- Carnauba wax was first used to give hardwood floors shine. In 1929, Harry A. Cole invented Pine-Sol, which is still used to clean and shine floors today. The mop, first patented in 1893 by Thomas Steward, made a huge advancement in 1950 with the invention of the quick lever system. The quick lever system allowed cleaners to wring the mop from a standing position.