Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Garage Door Repair Take a Look at Security and Safety

Garage doors do much more than just close behind your vehicles. When they have been properly installed, garage doors can give you, your family and your belongings a higher level of security. Whether you use manual doors or automated, you need to keep safety in mind. Despite their convenience, if you don't take some basic safety measures, your younger and smaller family members could be in danger.

Increasing Your Home's Security
Take a short drive around your neighborhood on a hot summer day. Look around at all the automated doors that have been opened just a few inches. The homeowners living in these homes are probably banking on their remote control's ability to change codes. If the door, transmitter and remote control are all older models, however, it's a simple matter for a would-be thief to use what's called a "code grabber" to give them access to those homes. That code grabber just picks up the radio signal that the door remotes emit.

Newer remotes use rolling codes. Simply put, every time the homeowner presses the "open" button on his remote, a new code activates the garage door. Thieves can't get the new code because they change so frequently. These homeowners should avoid clipping their remotes to their sun visors. Instead, they should store them in the console or another hidden area of their cars.

How Automated Doors Can be Dangerous
Look at your smaller children. They love to play, running back and forth, chasing each other and the family pooch. If you have the door open while you're working outside, that's fine up to a point.

If another one of your children presses the button to close your door, you may not be aware that your younger children are right in the path of that door and potential danger. Again, if your door is an older model, it may not lift again when it senses the presence of your child.

Newer doors have an auto-reverse function that allows them to begin opening again as soon as they touch an object or a child. These door systems also have photocells located on the outer side of each door track. When something blocks the rays from connecting with the opposite side of the garage, they stop rolling down and go back up-automatically.

Door Repair and Safety
For this reason, door repair by a professional installer and repair technician is mandatory every time you notice something is wrong with your garage door. If your door is unbalanced, it's not such a simple matter for you to re balance it. The only person who should be responsible for re balancing that door is a technician.

Some Tips to Remember
You want everyone who enters your garage to be safe. If you have children, no matter their age, remember they are curious and they move fast. Add to their safety by having a technician move the wall control higher up on the wall so your children can't reach it.

Lock your garage and all doors that access your house. This includes the door that goes from your garage into your house.

Your garage door uses electricity to run. In the event of a power outage, you need to know how to open your door by hand. Your owner's manual can give you instructions.

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