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50th Birthday Party - Ideas to Make it a Day to Remember

We all have our milestones to be proud of.
But turning fifty is a milestone like no other.
So if you are turning fifty or knows someone who is, planning a big party is a must.
The age 50 is considered golden, and really, why the heck not? There are many ways to celebrate this event and that is just what I am here to share to you-ideas on how to make your or your loved ones 50th Birthday a day they will never forget.
While the traditional simple gathering is nice, celebrating a 50th Birthday should be more special.
Themed parties would just be perfect to celebrate your golden year.
A nice and not to mention, new idea is to have a 50's theme.
No, I'm not saying that everyone should look old and wear prosthetic! I'm talking about the 50's era where bright red lipsticks, canvas shoes and fun big shades were all the rage.
If you think your celebrant won't enjoy this, you can go golden.
Know how there are black and white parties? Well, have a Golden party.
Decorate everything in gold! Serve dishes in golden plates and drinks in golden cups.
And make sure that all the guests will wear something in the shade of gold.
For a surprise 50th birthday party, a very good idea is to imitate the celebrant.
Make the party an all-about-you celebration.
Ask the guests to wear the style of the celebrant and list out the memories or things that they've shared with him or her.
This will surely be a hit for the celebrant and the guests.
If you want to be more sentimental, you can opt for a trip down memory lane theme.
You can collect pictures of the celebrant from way back and have it enlarged ad display it in different rooms in the house.
This should range from baby pictures to 7th grade yearbook portraits to wedding photos.
Stories about childhood or the good-old-days would be a nice touch too.
There are many more themes to choose from but the most important thing to consider is if it's something the celebrant would enjoy.
If he's not a big fan of big gatherings, maybe it is better to have a small dinner party where you can all just talk and celebrate life.
In choosing what food to serve, anything is pretty much A-OK.
The normal rules in deciding what food or drinks to serve still apply in planning a 50th birthday party.
Just make sure it's consistent if you decided to have a theme.
And depending on what type of party it is; for a sit-down party, you can serve full meals and dishes but if it's a stand-up party, finger foods are required.
Since this is a mostly-adult party, booze will be fine.
But if you want to add some flair to it, feature five drinks that were dominant for every decade in the celebrant's life.
He or she will surely appreciate it.

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