Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Laser Eye Protection - It"s Not Just All Fun and Games

With gas prices at record highs, with foreclosure rates at an all time high and with the stock market stagnant, our economy seems to be at an all time low.
However, The cosmetic industry is booming.
Laser hair removal, Botox, and Liposuction seem to not have been affected by the economic slowdown.
It seems that no matter how tight money is, vanity is what is running people bottom line.
It seems like just about every doctor including family practice doc's are getting on the cosmetic bandwagon.
The question is weather it is ultimately good for the patient.
Yes, the more doctors that offer these procedures, the price is most likely to come down.
But what about the safety of the treatments? In all laser treatments it is going to be regulated on a state level.
Some states have very strict laser laws and others have none.
The laser operator should be properly trained and should always have the correct laser safety glasses available to the patient.
The laser room should be clean and the laser safety sign should be on the outside of the door.
These same questions should come into play weather its Botox or Liposuction.
You want to find out about the training and how many previous treatments has the doctor or tech performed.
You don't want to be the first.
If you are the first, then make sure you at least get a very large discount.
The cosmetic field is vast and diverse with many sites that are willing to take your hard earned money, remember that you can never be to safe around laser and do your homework before you commit.

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