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U.S. Israel Smash Democracies in Palestine and Lebanon - Syria Iran Next

The United States of America is run by the leader of the Christian Religious Right, George W.
Bush and his dad George H.
In March 2003 they invaded Iraq because they said that 1) Saddam Hussein was in league with Al Qaeda, 2) Saddam Hussein had blown up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and 3) next Saddam Hussein was about to blow up the United States with his vast arsenal of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons of mass destruction.
He said, 4) "Don't worry we'll use the Iraqi oil to pay for the war.
" The Bushes are followers of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ said, "I am the Truth and the Life and the Way.
" 1,2,3, and 4 above have turned out to be obvious lies.
Prior to the Iraq war, Ambassador Joseph Wilson had tried to blow the whistle on these lies.
To get him killed, Karl Rove, President Bush's strongman tried to get Joe and his wife Valerie killed by telling Robert Novak that Valerie Plame was a U.
spy, and to go ahead and print it.
President Bush said, 5) "If anyone in the White House leaks classified information I will fire him or her immediately.
" It's hard to believe that the Religious Right spent one entire year moving to impeach President Clinton for uttering one harmless lie that he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky.
Then they swift boated John Kerry out of office by claiming that he not only didn't win 3 purple hearts, but he was never even in Vietnam, while George Bush was valiantly leading the American Air Force in Vietnam.
President Bush is an alcoholic deserter and pathological liar.
Jesus must be rolling over in his tomb that this liar is leading a Christian Crusade to massacre every Muslim and reclaim the Holy Land for Jesus as the Pope did in his famous Crusade 1000 years ago next Wednesday.
Perhaps if the American troops had sprinkled a little anthrax on one of Saddam Hussein's suits when they captured his palaces things might not be so bad today.
Yesterday I purchased one of Saddam Hussein's white shirts on eBay for $66.
I'm going to wear it on my wedding night.
When my fiancé asks me why I have the initials S.
monogrammed on my cuffs, (sex with the lights on is so much better, don't you think?), I'm going to tell him that Paris Hilton gave me the shirt, and the S.
stands for "So Hot".
Barring any episodes of premature ejaculation over my wearing one of Paris' shirts, the evening holds vast potential oil reserves, 2/3 of the world's oil to be exact.
When people mention that the United States of America is spewing 25% of the world's pollution into the air, and people in Denver are choking to death on the smog, the little evil grinning shape shifting child in the oval office simply says, "There is no such thing as global warming.
" Let him say that next year when the polar ice caps melt and his ranch in Crawford Texas is under 50 feet of water permanently.
Swift boat that you imbecile.
Psychiatrist M.
Scott Peck M.
, who sold 5 million copies of "The Road Less Traveled", says in his book "People of the Lie" that the lies of the Deevil are endless and obvious.
This brutal tyrant's latest lie is that the United States went into Iraq 6) to spread Democracy to the Middle East, to make America safer.
He sets up a puppet Iraqi government in the Green Zone.
Then at the G8 he tells Putin that Russia should have a democracy like Iraq.
Putin says, "I would never want to have a democracy like Iraq.
" Had he said this at a White House press briefing, the press would have sat silently aghast like the little tin soldiers that they are.
At the G8 press conference, the journalists laughed so hard that some of them fell off of their chairs and rolled around on the floor howling.
Bushwacker has made himself and the United States of America the laughing stock of the World so badly that Ahmanidejad and Kim Jong Il the leader of munchkinland are daring the U.
into a world war.
Perhaps if the wizard could give the President a brain, he could while away the hours, contemplating flowers, if he only had a brain.
How can you trust a guy who walks from the helicopter to the White House like he just came from his posture lesson at the physiotherapist? He 7) went to Iraq to spread Democracy to the Middle East to make America safer.
George Bush is the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar Salad and Ehud Olmert is his puppet Governor Pontius Pilate in case you have been paying attention.
The Palestinians are the Jews in Israel 2000 years ago under Roman occupation.
This would make the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ come to smash the occupying Roman armies as prophesied in Psalm 2 of your Holy Bible.
The United States and Israel have in the past 2 weeks smashed to the ground the democratically elected governments of Palestine and Lebanon, all the while blaming Syria and Iran.
Why could the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein keep order in Iraq and Al Qaeda out of Iraq while democracy in Iraq has brought anarchy to Iraq and provided a training ground and recruitment center for Al Qaeda in Iraq? Is tyranny the only practical form of governing human beings? Every story has a beginning, middle and an end.
It's like J.
Soon you will see the real reason that America went into Iraq.
Israel is about to bomb Damascus.
Iran has vowed to protect Syria.
Syria will be forced into using their chemical weapons.
This will give Alexander the Bush the excuse to take the gloves off and unleash his full nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal upon the Muslim people and conquer the Middle East for America, turning the Gulf into Lake George.
We are talking legacies here.
America will then have enough money to add both Bushes and Jesus to Mount Rushmore.
Then Jesus will congratulate President Bush in Jerusalem for converting the world to Christianity, and Ann Coulter can blame the 9/11 widow harpies for almost costing the United States of America the Middle East.
Russia, China, and the United States will divide up the Middle East, just as they did Berlin.
We are talking about the Apocalypse, the Genocide of 1 billion innocent Muslim men, women and children, the people who the Christian Right refers to as IslamoFascists, IslamoNazis.
Who are the real Nazis? Satan, The Father of Lies was to come disguised as the Prince of Peace.
Mathematically speaking not every prophecy can be wrong.
After all, someone in Sun magazine did predict that Tori Spelling's marriage wouldn't work out.

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