Know the Secret of Color and Get Greater Photos
Whether you know or not, we always ignore the color changes of the things around us.
These changes, however, will recorded by your cameras.
There is the reason why we often feel that the photos are different from the scene we see.
If you are lack of understanding of the laws of light and color changes, the color of the photographs maybe go into mess, which will seriously affect the quality of the photos.
In order to have better photos, you need to some knowledge of it.
The foundation of the color (RGB) RGB is the basic of the colors.
The primary colors have the highest purity.
They can mix to all the others, and other colors cannot be mixed to the three primary colors.
The RGB is red, green, and blue.
The human eyes recognize it based on the wavelength of light.
These three lights can mixed to white, black, and any other colors.
This is the principle of additive.
The application 1 Filter The three primary colors can be used in both painting and photography.
We can use yellow or red filter can be used to deepen the color while shooting blue or cyan sky.
Using yellow-green filter in black and white photography can reduce the effect of yellow and green colors.
In a word, the opposite color filters can make the objects color deepened and similar color filters can make objects color lighter.
Collocations In addition, the adjacent colors on the color wheel can be described as harmonious color, while the opposite is called discordant color.
For example, the yellow background can highlight the blue subject and the blue background with can highlight the red subject.
The greater the distance between the colors on the color wheel, the stronger the contrast is.
Create atmosphere There is a study pointed out that the color has the ability of affecting the human psyche (known as color psychology).
For example, gold and red can express a feeling of warm while blue and yellow-green can express cold feeling.
In addition, the use of cold and warm colors can also bring out a different atmosphere.
Warm color, especially the dark warm, can generate the sense of heaviness and density.
On the other hand, the cool color can produce a lighter feeling.
Strengthen the three-dimension Another function of it is affecting the three-dimension of the photo.
The warm color gives the feeling of advancing and cool ones give the impression of going back.
You can take advantage of this feature to increase the sense of depth of the screen while shooting.
Arrange the warm one in the foreground and the cool one in the background.
In this way, we can enhance the three-dimension of the photo and strengthen the distance of the foreground and background.
In fact, you can create a different atmosphere and style as long as taking good use of different colors.
The only key is trying and trying.
These changes, however, will recorded by your cameras.
There is the reason why we often feel that the photos are different from the scene we see.
If you are lack of understanding of the laws of light and color changes, the color of the photographs maybe go into mess, which will seriously affect the quality of the photos.
In order to have better photos, you need to some knowledge of it.
The foundation of the color (RGB) RGB is the basic of the colors.
The primary colors have the highest purity.
They can mix to all the others, and other colors cannot be mixed to the three primary colors.
The RGB is red, green, and blue.
The human eyes recognize it based on the wavelength of light.
These three lights can mixed to white, black, and any other colors.
This is the principle of additive.
The application 1 Filter The three primary colors can be used in both painting and photography.
We can use yellow or red filter can be used to deepen the color while shooting blue or cyan sky.
Using yellow-green filter in black and white photography can reduce the effect of yellow and green colors.
In a word, the opposite color filters can make the objects color deepened and similar color filters can make objects color lighter.
Collocations In addition, the adjacent colors on the color wheel can be described as harmonious color, while the opposite is called discordant color.
For example, the yellow background can highlight the blue subject and the blue background with can highlight the red subject.
The greater the distance between the colors on the color wheel, the stronger the contrast is.
Create atmosphere There is a study pointed out that the color has the ability of affecting the human psyche (known as color psychology).
For example, gold and red can express a feeling of warm while blue and yellow-green can express cold feeling.
In addition, the use of cold and warm colors can also bring out a different atmosphere.
Warm color, especially the dark warm, can generate the sense of heaviness and density.
On the other hand, the cool color can produce a lighter feeling.
Strengthen the three-dimension Another function of it is affecting the three-dimension of the photo.
The warm color gives the feeling of advancing and cool ones give the impression of going back.
You can take advantage of this feature to increase the sense of depth of the screen while shooting.
Arrange the warm one in the foreground and the cool one in the background.
In this way, we can enhance the three-dimension of the photo and strengthen the distance of the foreground and background.
In fact, you can create a different atmosphere and style as long as taking good use of different colors.
The only key is trying and trying.