Health & Medical Health Care

Providing The 78 Million Baby Boomers A Better Way To Care For Themselves, Their Aging Parents

78 million baby boomers need a better way to care for themselves, their aging parents and other loved ones.
Baby boomers represent almost 1/3 of the US population.
As boomers reach retirement age, they find themselves with a trending problem; where to turn to get the answers and support needed to care for themselves as well as their aging parents.
Providing the boomers all the "Daily Living Comforts" their families deserve and finding a single source for living at home better and longer is harder than you think.
Half the battle is knowing that "IT'S OK TO ASK FOR HELP"! Asking for help means being comfortable about wanting to get the assistance and support you need in order to care for yourself or your loved ones and live a more fulfilling, and independent life.
Born between 1946 and 1964, baby boomers came of age in a period of great social idealism.
Many were compelled to live their lives via President Kennedy's famous "Ask not...
" speech.
Daily Living Comforts mission, encourages this generation to live their lives to "Ask not" again, but this time with a twist - "Ask not" just for yourselves, but also for your aging parents! This mantra may not be as famous, but knowing "It's OK to Ask for Help" - not only for yourself and also for the ones you love is "a giant leap for mankind" in the right direction.
Many boomers were compelled to service during that time period and they can also get involved in their local communities today.
Lead by example and change the world ...
yet again, by volunteering or being a caregiver.
A growing concern is the awareness of high quality, non-medical home care services.
Although there are many agencies offering Medicare paid home health care services, non-medical homecare focuses on helping seniors with non-medical needs like bathing, ambulation, transportation assistance, homemaker services and companionship.
The other challenge is finding the products needed to maintain an independent lifestyle.
There are a few resources to turn to, but they are few and hard to find.
The key is awareness and providing the information to the people that need it the most - baby boomers!Knowledge is power and knowing that there are companies that provide hundreds of innovative products as well as non-medical homecare is very well received.
Ensuring you and your loved ones are well and cared for with a single source for living at home better and longer.
Living independently is important to quality of life!

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