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Attention Footwear Freaks - Steel Toe Desert Combat Boots Are Here

Steel toe desert combat boots are manufactured by a number of footwear manufacturers and are used by the armed forces as well as by people like you and me.
What makes these boots so tough and long lasting is that they have steel caps that protect your feet under all circumstances.
Here are some of the benefits of buying and wearing steel toe boots: * Boots with steel toes are especially suitable for people involved in the construction industry or military servicemen as well as all those who are involved in any kind of rigorous physical activity.
* Safety toe desert combat shoes are much more durable than other kinds of footwear and can endure a lot of wear and tear without giving way.
That is one of the reasons why they are somewhat more expensive than other kinds of shoes.
But their very longevity makes them a sound investment for those who appreciate good quality footwear.
* These boots are much favored because they support the entire foot without straining it.
* If you wondering where you can wear steel toe desert combat boots, the answer is - almost anywhere.
Any place where the dress code is casual, that is.
You must remember, however, that these shoes are pretty heavy and weigh your foot down, so be careful.
* Another factor that attracts shoe lovers to steel toe boots is that they are quite reasonably priced, with tags ranging from $65 to $100.
I say 'reasonably priced' because of their longevity and durability - they'll never really go out of fashion and you they are so tough, you can even bequeath them to your children.
Important facts about safety work boots Safety and health legislation in the United Stated requires the use of steel toe boots in a number of industrial settings.
In fact, many insurance companies require employees to wear safety toe desert combat shoes for their own safety.
In some cases, certification of safety toe boots may be mandatory, particularly if they are manufactured for employees working in hazardous industries.
In the United States, safety legislation requires steel toe shoes to carry specific symbols to help users to identify the level and degree of protection they provide.
Here are a few examples: * A green triangle denotes that the boot has a puncture-resistant sole and a class 1 toe cap.
* A white square ohm is used to denote protection from electrical hazards.
* Steel toe desert combat boots that protect feet against chain saws are denoted by the fir tree symbol.

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