Health & Medical Women's Health

How to Deal With Vaginal Odor

Do you suffer from irritation, itching, and burning sensation around the vaginal area and still you are not taking the necessary steps to treat it? Are you aware of what you are suffering from? It is nothing but yeast infection which most of the women come across at some point of their living like pregnancy, diabetes or other conditions.
There are several curative ways to treat yeast infection where good hygienic practices play the major role.
Given below are the three most effective cures for this situation: oHoney has been considered to be the best method to cure yeast infection.
For this, you need to apply a little honey over the infected vaginal area and allow it to dry for around twenty minutes and continue the same twice a day for a few days and you will be surprised to see everything disappear due to the antibiotic properties hidden in honey.
oGarlic is yet another substance to be applied around the infected portion and it must be made into a fine paste before the application.
Eating garlic also helps in reducing the infection and it can be chosen as an alternative way if you don't wish to continue with the topical application.
oAll drugstores have effective creams, ointments, suppositories and lotions to treat yeast infection and you can visit any of these to get the best advice.
If you think the infection has crossed its limits, it is highly advised to visit a doctor concerned to get the prescription for your problem.
This will help from worsening up the situation as the condition can become sever if it becomes a secondary one.
There are several cures for yeast infection and if followed properly you can treat the problem right at home.
Washing the vaginal area with mild soap and lukewarm water can give a lot of comfort for you from irritation.

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