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What Are The Best Tips In Hosting A Baby Shower?

When organizing an event such as a baby shower, there are really no rules. The only rule that needs to be put into action, is that it needs to be fun and joyous, as it is celebrating the life of a new baby. Your baby shower can be as traditional or as silly or as creative as you would like it to be.

What You Need To Know

You need to plan a baby shower, well in advanced as you need to organize the entire event, so be prepared and give yourself plenty of time to do it. When you are planning this event, the date should be in the last couple of months before expecting, but not in the last month. When the date is decided, you should proceed with the rest of the festivities for the event.

Before you can do anything, you need to know if all the attendees will just be all women. This is the traditional way of organizing a baby shower, as it is meant for the expecting mother. But, a new popular trend is seeing both the expecting parents at the baby shower.

The Preparation

Pick the location and time of day of where you want to have the party. When organizing this part of the process, make sure this works for the guest of honor as it is about them. Make sure, you know the number of guest you plan to invite, so that you know the place can hold them for the day.

Would you like this event, to be kept a secret from the guest of honor? If so, know if the guest of honor would liked to be surprised otherwise it wont work. You can always ask them before hand, just so you know if it can go ahead, or ask someone who will know for sure.

Have a theme for the day, and the theme can either be about teddy bears, or bottles and balloons. When the theme is chosen, you can organize the presents to go with that them as well. If you need to, organize the attendees to give more than one presents.

Make your guest list. If this is non surprise, ask the guest of honor who they would like to invite. Alternatively if you are planning a surprise ask a close relative or friend, and make sure you don't miss anyone. Do this about a couple of weeks in advanced. Include all the information that is necessary on the invite, and create your invitations around the theme of the party. Also put down what the color theme is and what the color of the babies room is. Before proceeding with the invitations keep in mind whether or not the expecting parents have a registry at a store, and if they do place the details on the invite. Once you have put the invitations together, you can start sending out the invitations.

Within the room, organize a centerpiece, to go with your theme. Put on this centerpiece items, such as baby clothes or candles or baby monuments. Having a centerpiece can be a great attraction for the party.

Finally, you will have to organize the food. You can do this yourself or organize a cater to get involved. Don't forget the most important utensils such as, the crockery or cutlery. As you are organizing the food, organize the games to with gifts as well. As the honoree is opening the presents, make sure you know who they are from, so that the honoree, can send out thank you note's.

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