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Effective Tips For Elementary School Fundraisers

Elementary school fundraisers serve as the life line of elementary schools especially those that are lacking funds necessary to keep their programs alive.
This is because fundraisers allow the different members of the school to generate the money that they need to fund their various school projects such as projects for buying new classroom equipment; projects for starting new student programs; and projects for buying school supplies that will be given out to the students.
Raising money for a school is not a joke as this requires a huge amount of effort to do.
However, there are some ways for you to do this in a much easier way.
Allow me to provide you some good tips on how you can make your elementary school fundraisers easier for you and your volunteers without necessarily compromising the amount of money that you will be able to bag in.
First off, you need to do role playing.
What I mean here is that you need to teach your members the proper way of selling out products to customers.
The best way for you to do this is by providing them with an effective sales script.
A sales script basically refers to the lines that your volunteers will be reciting in front of their customers so that they will be able to properly inform people of the reason why you need to raise money and the products that your group is offering in exchange for donations.
Make sure that your volunteers get the right amount of time to practice your sales script and make sure that you practice with them.
In this manner, you will be able to give them the confidence that they need to generate sales for your group effectively.
Your sales script must be short but compelling.
A sales script is composed of 5 basic parts or lines namely an introduction (where you greet your customer and state your name); background of the group or school that you raising money for; the reason why you need to raise money; the products or services that you are offering your customers so that you can raise money; and the line where you will be asking your customer for the sale.
When you compose your sales script, make sure that you make use of the words "because" and "please" as these are really powerful in convincing people to make a purchase.
Next, instruct your sales volunteers to thank their customers whether or not they get sales from them.
Saying thank you is very simple but the effects that it can have on the support that you will be able to get from people will be huge.
If you take the time to thank people for their support, you will be able to go to them easily the next time you need to raise money for another cause.
Remember that saying thank you does not only apply to customers but to your volunteers as well.
They are exerting efforts for free so the least you can do is thank them.
Be sure to do so as much as you can.

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