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Leftist Desperation and Bristol Palin

I can understand leftist-liberal-Democrat fears and trepidations. The distinct scent of Tea Party-conservative-Republican victory floats through the D.C. air after an Election Day that saw the denouement of one-party rule in Washington, and lefties are upset beyond measure.

They were so upset that House Dems in their bewildered consternation bestowed a boon upon Repubs by electing as their new Minority Leader the person who almost single-handedly lost their House, Nancy “Botox” Pelosi. That, alone, proves God is good if there were any doubt.

But, lefties still had to vent their seething resentments somehow, somewhere, on someone so, with GWB riding high in a new-found popularity by default and with his book, Decisions selling over 2 million copies so far, they had to find a tasty target. The Sarah Palin family was ripe for the picking.

The hopelessly juvenile and pathetic Dave Letterman, of course, had never stopped ripping Mrs. Palin ever since she called him out for his lecherous comments about her daughters and since his Leno-envy was getting as old as Dave himself.

His counterparts in the liberal political arena have been as unrelenting in their Palin attacks–her best-selling books, Going Rogue and America by Heart, were ghosted and sucked, her record-breaking TLC miniseries, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” sucks even more. They zeroed in on daughter Bristol, whom Letterman won’t dare touch for fear of resurrecting memories of his previous lechery.

Bristol was a challenge, though. She’s widely admired for how she is dealing with her out-of-wedlock baby, for dumping the screwy sperm donor, Levi Johnston, and for her advocacy of teen sexual abstinence so what could the pro-abortion-as-a-sacrament left say? They certainly couldn’t criticize her physiognomy which would just further accent the notorious ugliness of most liberal women!

Got it! She’s fat, her dancing on “Dancing with the Stars” stunk, that contest was fixed by ballot-stuffing Tea Partiers, and Bristol, (with Kate Gosselin), ruined the show!

(Re: the “fat issue,” Kathy Griffin, Margaret Cho, and the lie that Bristol was forced to dance on the show by her mother, see “There’s Something about Bristol,” [])

In the midst of the “DWTS” competition, bemoaned, “There’s been a lot of conspiracy theorizing about Bristol Palin’s [and partner Mark Ballas'] survival on ‘Dancing With the Stars,’ even after so many clearly stronger competitors have been eliminated. Eliminated ”shockingly,” TVSquad added: []

As if that were not bad enough, that same website chimed in after the “DWTS” conclusion that, despite unprecedented ratings, the show was “now tainted,” ruined, scandalized due to the presence of the “dancing divas,” Ms. Palin and reality star, Gosselin.

I, too, am shocked, shocked I tell you!

I’m shocked that anyone takes all this crap so seriously! I’ve never seen “Dancing with the Stars” and I hate dancing but there never have been any true “stars” on the show and who cares, anyway?

The only conspiracy of any consequence is the transparent plot to somehow discredit Sarah Palin via a 20 year old surrogate, Bristol Palin. I know this, well, I think it, umm, because I know and think it.

My only question is: What’s next? Suggestions that husband Todd is a closeted cross dresser, that 21 year old volunteer soldier, Track, is a Russian spy, that 16 year old Willow is a high school nymphomaniac, that 9 year old Piper cheats on arithmetic quizzes, that the Palin family babies, Trig and Tripp, are spawns of the devil?

Don’t rule out any of those as the next course of attack by the desperate Left!

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