Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Save Time And Money Looking For Dental Jobs - Do It Online

If you're in the dental profession, how do you go about either looking for dental jobs or advertising dental vacancies? Until recently the only real option was to go through a dental recruitment agency, but in the last few years this has proved to be something of a problem.
With so many more people demanding cosmetic dentistry solutions these days the number of surgeries has expanded dramatically, with many surgeries expanding themselves, and this has meant a much greater demand for qualified staff.
This has also resulted in many more people training for qualifications within the dentistry profession, with the combined result being that there are more dental jobs available than ever before, and more qualified professionals looking for vacancies than ever before.
This increased load has put a great deal of pressure on dental recruitment agencies, and many of them have been struggling.
The problem with being a middleman is that you have demands from both sides - the demand from surgeries for potential candidates quickly, and the demand from eager professionals looking for their first post, or their next one.
Although computer systems undoubtedly help speed the process up, they're still very limited, and in many cases the delay can run into weeks.
However, there is good news for both surgeries and professionals because at long last the internet has been used as a tool to effectively replace traditional dental recruitment agencies.
The main problem with most computer based systems used by recruitment agencies is that they're not networked, or at least, they're only internally networked.
They might be linked up to agencies across the country which are within the same group, but this is as far as it goes.
Clearly it isn't far enough because of the fact that there is such a delay these days in getting people matched up with suitable dental vacancies.
There really is little justification these days for any business to be internally networked only when the internet offers such a wealth of opportunity.
Thankfully this next big step has now been taken, with the first online solutions now available for dental surgeries to promote their vacancies and for dental professionals to hunt down their ideal job very much faster.
Effectively this new online networking portal is taking over the role of the dental recruitment agency, although clearly there's no sense in abandoning all of the experience and understanding of the dental industry by leaving the old agencies behind.
This new online network is built on the solid understanding and appreciation of the way in which the dental industry works, what qualifications and experience dental surgeries are looking for in potential candidates, and what candidates may be looking for when they are wanting to find suitable dental positions.
The end result has already demonstrated a great deal of success, and has proved to be very popular with both surgeries and dental professionals.
The way it works is quite simple, and very familiar to anyone used to online networking tools, including social networking sites such as Facebook.
For surgeries it is simply a case of publishing the details of the dental jobs on the website.
Unlike with using a dental recruitment agency there's no fee involved, which in many cases can save surgeries thousands of pounds.
Those people looking for dental jobs can simply create a profile which includes their experience and qualifications, and then use the built in search tools to find potentially suitable positions.
But the real power is that dental surgeries can then actively search for potential candidates too, but using filters to find those with suitable qualifications and experience.
No personal information is released, keeping the potential candidate's identity private, but surgeries can send invitations to candidates, all of which saves a very great deal of time.
If you run a dental surgery or you're looking for dental jobs, it might be worth taking a look at the new online Dental Gateway to find out how you could save both time and money today.

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