Breaking Protocol (4)
"On the day the LORD gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the LORD in front of all the people of Israel.
He said, 'Let the Sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Aijalon.
" Joshua chapter ten, verse twelve.
There is no limit to what God can do to bring about His purposes in our life.
When He is involved, definitely, nothing shall be impossible.
Yes, most Christians don't actually graduate into this higher faith in God because they have not released themselves to this particular divine reality.
Yes, with God nothing is impossible.
And when the bible says nothing it absolutely means nothing.
Jesus took it further when He also said that nothing shall be impossible to them that believe in God Almighty.
But, why are we most times not operating in this truth? Why are most things impossible to us?? The truth remains that when we have God's kind of faith, walk in His words and very importantly WORK with Him, nothing shall be impossible for us.
True! Did you get something from here? Please note my choice of words.
Let's go back to our text.
Joshua and the Israelites were about battling a gang of about five enemy countries; a confederation of enemies.
You know, sometimes they come like bees; united in evil.
United just to attack God own or His purpose.
Satanic gang-up.
I have personally seen them before.
But the word of God also said that SURELY THEY SHALL FALL! Praise God! Once, Joshua got the assurance of victory from God, he immediate moved towards the battle field.
God had said to him, "For I will give you victory over them.
Not a single one of them will be able to stand up to you.
" I thought you would jump up and shout amen.
That message is for you! This year, your enemies (whether united, hidden, confederated, large, determined, etc.
) shall not be able to stand up to you in the mighty name of Jesus! Israel and their great leader traveled all night from Gilgal and took their enemies by surprise.
Wow! All night?? Midnight warriors are you listening? Midnight is when you launch surprise, deadly, destructive attacks on your enemies.
Now, it is also instructive that they took off from Gilgal.
Gilgal is a place of total consecration, place worship, a place of re-dedication, etc.
And this is where you must launch out against your enemies and situations this year, if you really want to be a victor.
As the Israelites and God Himself battled the enemies, Joshua did what no man has ever done before.
He broke the natural protocol and a very strange one at that.
He asked the sun and the moon to stand still until he has defeated all their enemies.
And instantly, these great heavenly elements that are several times larger than this our planet earth stood still.
They immediately obeyed! Wow! Listen here, "The sun stopped in the middle of the sky, and it did not set as a normal day.
The LORD fought for Israel that day.
Never before or since has there been a day like that one, when the LORD answered such a request from a human being.
" My God! Breaking protocol indeed! I see God answering and giving you victory as never seen before in Jesus' name! We will continue next week.
God bless you!
He said, 'Let the Sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Aijalon.
" Joshua chapter ten, verse twelve.
There is no limit to what God can do to bring about His purposes in our life.
When He is involved, definitely, nothing shall be impossible.
Yes, most Christians don't actually graduate into this higher faith in God because they have not released themselves to this particular divine reality.
Yes, with God nothing is impossible.
And when the bible says nothing it absolutely means nothing.
Jesus took it further when He also said that nothing shall be impossible to them that believe in God Almighty.
But, why are we most times not operating in this truth? Why are most things impossible to us?? The truth remains that when we have God's kind of faith, walk in His words and very importantly WORK with Him, nothing shall be impossible for us.
True! Did you get something from here? Please note my choice of words.
Let's go back to our text.
Joshua and the Israelites were about battling a gang of about five enemy countries; a confederation of enemies.
You know, sometimes they come like bees; united in evil.
United just to attack God own or His purpose.
Satanic gang-up.
I have personally seen them before.
But the word of God also said that SURELY THEY SHALL FALL! Praise God! Once, Joshua got the assurance of victory from God, he immediate moved towards the battle field.
God had said to him, "For I will give you victory over them.
Not a single one of them will be able to stand up to you.
" I thought you would jump up and shout amen.
That message is for you! This year, your enemies (whether united, hidden, confederated, large, determined, etc.
) shall not be able to stand up to you in the mighty name of Jesus! Israel and their great leader traveled all night from Gilgal and took their enemies by surprise.
Wow! All night?? Midnight warriors are you listening? Midnight is when you launch surprise, deadly, destructive attacks on your enemies.
Now, it is also instructive that they took off from Gilgal.
Gilgal is a place of total consecration, place worship, a place of re-dedication, etc.
And this is where you must launch out against your enemies and situations this year, if you really want to be a victor.
As the Israelites and God Himself battled the enemies, Joshua did what no man has ever done before.
He broke the natural protocol and a very strange one at that.
He asked the sun and the moon to stand still until he has defeated all their enemies.
And instantly, these great heavenly elements that are several times larger than this our planet earth stood still.
They immediately obeyed! Wow! Listen here, "The sun stopped in the middle of the sky, and it did not set as a normal day.
The LORD fought for Israel that day.
Never before or since has there been a day like that one, when the LORD answered such a request from a human being.
" My God! Breaking protocol indeed! I see God answering and giving you victory as never seen before in Jesus' name! We will continue next week.
God bless you!