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Weight Loss and Fat Burning Explained

For many people, weight loss and fat burning don't very often go hand in hand.
Most people mistakenly believe that if they lose weight then they are becoming 'less fat' and this just isn't true.
In fact, burning fat doesn't usually even come into the picture for the average dieter, because the average dieter just wants to wear a smaller size jeans and isn't even aware that even if they lose weight, their fat will still be there.
It's true.
Fat doesn't go away when you lose weight.
In fact, even though your fat cells can shrink, you still have the same amount of fat on your body.
That's why many people don't actually lose fat when they go on a diet, so it's easy for them to put the weight they just lost right back on again.
When you haven't actually burned your fat, then you haven't truly lost weight at all.
Even though the scale might tell you that you weigh less, your body is still carrying around the harmful fat that can keep you from being really, truly healthy.
While it is true that we all need to carry around some fat, too much of a good thing is, well, just too much.
Too much fat can lead to heart problems and diabetes, not to mention high blood pressure, poor circulation and a slew of health issues.
That's why it's important to consider your weight loss and fat burning journey.
The thing is, you aren't going to find out how to burn fat by joining a diet club and you won't increase your body's fat burning potential by taking a pill.
You train your body to burn fat by doing a series of exercises that will firm and strengthen your muscles so that they do the fat burning work for you.
Losing weight is just a fallacy that you should avoid from now on because muscle weighs more than fat and, although that's something that we have commonly told our overly fat selves in an effort to feel better, it really is true.
When you know how to train your muscles to 'eat' your fat for the additional energy that they will need, then you will be able to kick start your body's weight loss and fat burning potential.
It's possible that you have heard that 60 minutes of cardio exercise 6 days a week is the best way to burn fat.
This is not true.
While cardiovascular exercise is great for your heart and circulation and can help to increase your metabolism, it won't do a bit of good when it comes to getting rid of the extra fat your body carries unless you have trained your muscles to optimize your body's fat burning potential.
Consider this - even professional runners train with weights.
Why is this? They are running? Why would they need to make their muscles stronger? These professional athletes know that in order to stay in peak condition, they need to have the right tools to burn the extra fat on their bodies that could potentially slow them down and prevent them from being as healthy as they can be.
Your body is built with a delicate balance in mind and when you accumulate too much fat, it can make you unhealthy.
Before you think that you want to go on a diet, you should explore the benefits of learning about training your body for optimal weight loss and fat burning.
It will free you from diets forever.

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