Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Games For Photographers

    Photo Scavenger Hunt

    • Photographers with an adventurous streak will enjoy playing photo scavenger hunt. Divide all the players into teams of two to five. Give each a list of items or activities to photograph and a digital camera. Ideas for scavenger hunt pictures include getting a stranger to do a cartwheel, someone wearing a tutu or something difficult to find like a four-leaf clover. Part of the fun is to list items that the teams can get creative finding. A four-leaf clover, for instance, might be a pair of two-leaf clovers taped together.


    • Another party game idea is to have each person have their own camera and use it to illustrate a word or idea in their own way. Give each person a list of words or phrases and let them use their cameras and imaginations to capture them any way they like. For instance, the word "baby" might be illustrated by an actual human baby, a baby doll, a baby animal or a picture depicting a couple that might use the term as a pet name.

    Guess What?

    • Take some pictures of things at odd angles, from very close up or far away, or photograph just part of the item. Print these out or post them online and make a game out of having your friends guess what you've photographed. A variation on this game is to take pictures of places that don't immediately give away the location and have your friends "Guess Where?" Pictures of parts of a person works for "Guess Who?" as well.


    • Find a big, light-weight frame at a thrift store and a funny prop and you're set for a fun ice-breaker game. Ideas for a prop include bunny ears, funny glasses, a clown nose or a silly hat. Ask each person to wear the prop and hold the frame in front of them while you take their picture.

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