Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Poor Hip Posture Is Not Only Dangerous, But Makes You Look Bad

Anterior Pelvic Tilt is a Major Problem you May Not Know About It is primarily due to our sedentary lifestyle.
When you sit most of the day, you may not know it but your body is adapting to your sedentary life.
The hip flexors (muscles which lift your knee upwards) and hamstrings (muscles which curl your feet towards your butt) are in a constant shortened state and become tight.
Because of the tight hip flexors and hamstrings your gluteal muscles get weak and your pelvis is pulled into anterior rotation.
This can be caused by lack of recruitment or simply under activity.
Lack of recruitment means your nervous system cannot activate the muscles, because other muscles are doing the job.
This is also known as synergistic dominance.
The Postural Deviation is called Anterior Pelvic Tilt The synergistic dominance mentioned previously causes your Pelvis (hip bone) to be pulled to the anterior (front of the body).
You can see if you have anterior pelvic tilt by looking at your side profile in the mirror.
Stand completely relaxed and look at your belt.
If your belt is tilted down to the front, you have anterior pelvic tilt.
The effects of this postural deviation affect the entire body.
Other joints get out of natural alignment.
This causes muscles to not work properly because the length-tension relationship between agonists and antagonists is off.
Put simply, the muscle which is intended to perform an action is inhibited by the muscles performing the opposing action.
A good real world example is if you are trying to push down a tree and someone pulls you back.
This would make it very hard to push down the tree.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt may result in Low Back Pain and Protruding Lower Abdomen When you exercise with anterior pelvic tilt you exacerbate the deviation and increase the risk for injury.
Besides the result for injury, performing exercises with anterior pelvic tilt will make the exercises less effective.
This is because with your body out of alignment the proper muscle recruitment patterns will be off.
If you perform the exercise improperly you could create further imbalances.
You could be building muscles which will make your body look disproportionate.
Anterior pelvic tilt causes your lower abdomen to stick out so you appear to be fatter than you really are.
Exercisers with Anterior pelvic Tilt find it Particularly Difficult to Properly Perform Core and Abdominal Exercises.
They can fix this by learning how to force the pelvis into posterior rotation.
This can be achieved by contracting the gluteus maximus and drawing in the core.
This will take the hip flexors (muscles that raise your knee) out of the action and your body will be in better alignment.
It may sound too good to be true, but if you perform exercises while you keep your glutes contracted and your core drawn in you will avoid anterior pelvic tilt.
There will be nothing to stop you from achieving tremendous results in your exercise program.

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