Technology Networking & Internet

How to Block a Website on a Network

    • 1). Open your web browser.

    • 2). Navigate to your router setup page by typing the router address into the address bar and hitting enter. This is usually "" but may be "" or another address. Check your router manual if neither of these addresses work.

    • 3). Enter your router login and password at the prompt. The default login is often "admin" but can vary by router; again, check your manual. Add or change the password before proceeding if your router does not have a password or still has the default password. Without a password, any person on the network will be able to log in to the router and change the access restrictions.

    • 4). Go to the access restrictions or blocked sites section of your router setup menu.

    • 5). Enter the address, not including the "http://" portion, of the website or a keyword in the appropriate space or block sites by keyword. You may need to set which computers or IP addresses will be affected by these settings. Enter either the range of IP addresses that is assigned by your router to block the site for all computers on your network, the static IP address for specific computer you want to block access from or the mac addresses of specific computers you want to block access from, if this is the case.

    • 6). Save your changes and exit the router setup page.

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