Technology Electronics

How do I Record a Cable TV Program to a VHS Tape?

    Starting a recording

    • 1). With a blank tape inserted, set the channel on the VCR to the desired channel for recording if the VCR is connected directly to a coaxial cable from a wall plate. Set the VCR to the same channel as the TV (typically channel 3 or 4) if the VCR is connected to a cable box, which should be set to the desired channel for recording.

    • 2). Press the record button on the front panel of the VCR or on the unit's remote control to begin recording the cable program. The record button usually has a red circle in the center. On many VCRs, a red light will signal that the unit is recording.

    • 3). Press the tape speed button on the VCR remote control to extend recording time beyond the standard two-hour capacity. The LP setting increases recording time to four hours and the SLP setting enables up to six hours.

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