Back Brace Advice - Spinal Supports and Important Information About Them - Brace Companies Near You
Do you need advice on which back brace to get? 1.
) Back Brace Advice You may already know that not all back supports are the same.
When you realize that they are all made differently, you may be wondering which one is going to be best for your needs.
Getting experienced, first hand advice is possible and readily available.
This article will definitely get you started in the right direction.
In addition, when this article ends, you will have a better idea of who can give you medical advice about your brace questions near you.
) Different Kinds of Back Braces Available A.
) Corsets: These braces are widely used in the medical field.
They are considered to be very helpful when it comes to getting support.
It is important to mention however that they are also considered to act more as a reminder for motion control.
Pain reduction is often times noted with these braces and they are easily hidden with the use of a t-shirt.
) Aspen Medical Products: This is a company that provides a wide range of supports.
Aspen quick draws and Aspen Summit braces are used often times to also help provide support to individuals lumbar spine.
Pulley type mechanisms exist with these braces that make them more snug or loose.
These braces are also easily concealed with the use of a t-shirt.
Pain reduction is often mentioned among patients who use them as well.
) Jewett Braces: These orthoses (braces) are provided to people in the effort to limit flexion of the spine.
They are often times used for people who have suffered a compression fracture.
These kinds of supports are also easily hidden by using a shirt over the top of the brace.
) Custom TLSO: When it comes to getting a back support, it is hard to beat the use of a custom TLSO.
These braces are used to support the thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions of the spine.
Each scenario is different for the patient, but these braces are usually very effective in controlling motion.
Another important point about custom TLSOs is that you can adjust them for volume loss and height as well.
) Speak With A Brace Professional Near You This information is helpful, but it is just a start.
It is important to talk with a brace professional, who is licensed in your area.
They can evaluate you and provide you with the best brace for your needs.
Once the brace is provided they can also help to give you the best advice for the orthosis that you have received.
) Back Brace Advice You may already know that not all back supports are the same.
When you realize that they are all made differently, you may be wondering which one is going to be best for your needs.
Getting experienced, first hand advice is possible and readily available.
This article will definitely get you started in the right direction.
In addition, when this article ends, you will have a better idea of who can give you medical advice about your brace questions near you.
) Different Kinds of Back Braces Available A.
) Corsets: These braces are widely used in the medical field.
They are considered to be very helpful when it comes to getting support.
It is important to mention however that they are also considered to act more as a reminder for motion control.
Pain reduction is often times noted with these braces and they are easily hidden with the use of a t-shirt.
) Aspen Medical Products: This is a company that provides a wide range of supports.
Aspen quick draws and Aspen Summit braces are used often times to also help provide support to individuals lumbar spine.
Pulley type mechanisms exist with these braces that make them more snug or loose.
These braces are also easily concealed with the use of a t-shirt.
Pain reduction is often mentioned among patients who use them as well.
) Jewett Braces: These orthoses (braces) are provided to people in the effort to limit flexion of the spine.
They are often times used for people who have suffered a compression fracture.
These kinds of supports are also easily hidden by using a shirt over the top of the brace.
) Custom TLSO: When it comes to getting a back support, it is hard to beat the use of a custom TLSO.
These braces are used to support the thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions of the spine.
Each scenario is different for the patient, but these braces are usually very effective in controlling motion.
Another important point about custom TLSOs is that you can adjust them for volume loss and height as well.
) Speak With A Brace Professional Near You This information is helpful, but it is just a start.
It is important to talk with a brace professional, who is licensed in your area.
They can evaluate you and provide you with the best brace for your needs.
Once the brace is provided they can also help to give you the best advice for the orthosis that you have received.