How to Create a Microphone Stand
- 1). Lay one of the 2-foot by 4-foot planks of wood on the ground.
- 2). Using the hack saw, cut another of the wood planks in half, placing each half flush against both sides of the middle of the plank of wood on the ground.
- 3). Place the third wood plank over the cut wood and center it so two ends of the wood it's lying on top of stick out equally.
- 4). Connect the wood on top to the wood below it with two screws on each side. At this point, the construction should look like an "X," with one line of the X longer and higher than the other.
- 5). Drill with the bit into the center point of the X, just far enough down to reach into the lower piece of wood, but not all the way through.
- 6). Place the PVC pipe into this hole so it stands up.
- 7). Have the performer stand next to the mic stand and measure where the mic should be located on the stand. Mark that point.
- 8). Cut downward at an angle at that point. The angle should not be too steep—around 35 degrees works well.
- 9). Take the recently cut section of PVC pipe and saw 1-1/2 inches off the uncut end, creating a 1-1/2-inch section of pipe with flat ends.
- 10
Cut a 1/4-inch section along the barrel of the pipe, creating a split-open section of pipe. - 11
Glue this pipe section onto the cut end of the PVC stand. Allow it to dry. - 12
Fit the microphone into the open PVC pipe. You may have to pry open the edges of the pipe to let the mic in, although it should snap shut and hold the mic in place once you let go.