Osteoarthritis Treatment Guidelines
- Most people who experience bouts with osteoarthritis are afflicted by a mild form of the condition. The pain felt from mild osteoarthritis can be minimized by doing some simple things. For example, if a joint is in pain, avoid using the joint as much as possible for a day. If use of the joint cannot be avoided, work on taking 5- to 10-minute breaks from using the joint every hour.
In some cases, a regimen of light exercise can decrease the amount of pain you feel. Talk to your doctor about what exercises might work best for you. These may include cycling, walking or swimming. Exercise can relieve joint pain because it allows the muscles around your joints to grow stronger. As this happens, the joint becomes more stable. If the joint is tender or injured, do not exercise it until it has been rested and the inflammation decreases.
Set a goal to lose a few pounds if you are overweight. The more pressure placed on joints, the more likely the osteoarthritis pain will be triggered. By losing even a couple of pounds, you will be able to reduce the amount of pressure put on the joints. If you are overweight, make a goal to lose a pound or two each week by eating healthier and exercising.
Over-the-counter pain medications can help relieve pain. Medications that contain acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, can help osteoarthritis. Because acetaminophen can affect other medications you may be taking, consult with your doctor first.