Fighting The Credit Bureau For Positive Feedback
You ever fought the credit bureau over a miss represented bill that was paid. How about fighting the debt collector in giving the proper feedback once you have repaid and cleared all debts you owed them. Many Americans fight this battle daily and we all grow impatient as the law allows these people to take months to finally do the right thing and report accurate information with in your credit file with the three bureau's Experian, Trans Union and Equifax.
F.I.C.A has done some good in helping cure some markets in the credit world to help lessen the chance of losing millions or billions of bad loans and credit given to people who do nothing more then abuse the credit system but it doesn't always weigh fairly on people who make efforts to fix, clean or repair there credit ratings.
Back in 2001 after the trade centers went down from terrorist activity, god bless all souls and families involved. I lost my job. Debt mounted and my finances were in shambles. I was lost, broke and didn't know how to clean or repair my credit debt. I knew the basics like working and paying off my debts and still I have plenty but nothing to grow frantic over but the fight begins after the bills are paid off and the collectors refuse to do the right steps and continue to damage everything you have accomplished. Many fail to report debts paid and fail to give any positive feedback for you. They leave the negatives feedback and walk away the winner leaving you the baggage of fighting to regain control over the credit scores you might honestly deserve.
It's a good practice to check your credit record and credit scores monthly. It helps reduce foul ups and will help keep your credit scores positive, instead of dropping. Depending on the type of bill and the prolonged refusal to pay or clean the mistake up it can dramatically drop credit score points rather fast and it's easier to drop them credit points then it is to rebuild them.
Practicing a very safe and good method is checking your credit reports monthly. If you find anything out of the ordinary write a letter or find some of the pre-made letters many attorneys and folks have pre-made and simply fill in the needed information on the credit report into the form and mail it. Make sure you send it certified mail and require a signature as this helps you document your communication and starts the countdown in the process of removing false feedback and correcting it with positive news that you no longer owe the debt or have made arrangements to clear it up with the reporting collector.
Please for more information a new site is being created and in the works. You will be able to find, download and use some of the services and information for free. Get the knowledge you lack and start fighting back to get the treatment you deserve. We all are human. We all make mistakes but we don't have to continue to pay for them after we have righted our credit wrongs.
F.I.C.A has done some good in helping cure some markets in the credit world to help lessen the chance of losing millions or billions of bad loans and credit given to people who do nothing more then abuse the credit system but it doesn't always weigh fairly on people who make efforts to fix, clean or repair there credit ratings.
Back in 2001 after the trade centers went down from terrorist activity, god bless all souls and families involved. I lost my job. Debt mounted and my finances were in shambles. I was lost, broke and didn't know how to clean or repair my credit debt. I knew the basics like working and paying off my debts and still I have plenty but nothing to grow frantic over but the fight begins after the bills are paid off and the collectors refuse to do the right steps and continue to damage everything you have accomplished. Many fail to report debts paid and fail to give any positive feedback for you. They leave the negatives feedback and walk away the winner leaving you the baggage of fighting to regain control over the credit scores you might honestly deserve.
It's a good practice to check your credit record and credit scores monthly. It helps reduce foul ups and will help keep your credit scores positive, instead of dropping. Depending on the type of bill and the prolonged refusal to pay or clean the mistake up it can dramatically drop credit score points rather fast and it's easier to drop them credit points then it is to rebuild them.
Practicing a very safe and good method is checking your credit reports monthly. If you find anything out of the ordinary write a letter or find some of the pre-made letters many attorneys and folks have pre-made and simply fill in the needed information on the credit report into the form and mail it. Make sure you send it certified mail and require a signature as this helps you document your communication and starts the countdown in the process of removing false feedback and correcting it with positive news that you no longer owe the debt or have made arrangements to clear it up with the reporting collector.
Please for more information a new site is being created and in the works. You will be able to find, download and use some of the services and information for free. Get the knowledge you lack and start fighting back to get the treatment you deserve. We all are human. We all make mistakes but we don't have to continue to pay for them after we have righted our credit wrongs.