Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Bum Implants: What"s The Point?

Why Bum Implants Are Unnecessary Lots of women are plagued by a shapeless figure.
A perfect round bum is one of the greatest assets of a female body.
It is quite understandable that if nothing has ever worked for you, you might be inclined to seek alternative methods such as creams, pills, and perhaps bum implants.
Bum implants are the new hot thing because people eventually realised that what can be done with breasts, can be done with bums also.
If you're not satisfied with the way your breasts look, and it is impossible to do anything about it through conventional means, you simply have it augmented.
Similarly, if you don't like the look of your bum, you can simply get it augmented.
I believe however that the line needs to be drawn somewhere, and it is drawn where healthy and natural options are no more.
For breasts, the line is drawn quite quickly, and legitimately so.
Breasts are comprised of tissue that is impossible to grow by any natural method.
For this reason, anyone looking to increase the size of one's breast or augment its shape, has basically no other option than cosmetic surgery.
In another universe where breasts could be grown bigger naturally, either by exercise or some special diet, having breast implants as an option would make little sense.
After all, what good is a dangerous, inferior looking, artificial solution to a problem that can be fixed through natural means? Only the lazy or misinformed would go with such a procedure.
However we live in a world where breasts can't be augmented naturally.
In this case, cosmetic surgery can be a legitimate option.
Because people like making money, there's a lot of misinformation going around about cremes, pills and other fake solutions to these issues, bum implants among them.
Granted, breasts can't be grown naturally, or at least not by any method that scientists agree to be proven beyond serious doubt or warning.
The bum however, is a gigantic mass of muscle.
There's some fat, depending on genetics and on what you eat, but the bulk of the bum consists of muscle.
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body.
The thing about muscle is: it responds to exercise.
Why would bum implants make sense, if they're supposed to be a substitute for something that can easily be grown, simply by occasional stimulus and eating just the right food? Not to mention the fact that bum implants, because they're not grown in sync with and in proper proportion to the rest of the area, are always at a risk of looking fake.
A bum that is grown through exercise and eating well, grows in correct proportion to the hips and thighs, resulting in a more consistent, well toned, sexy look.
Bad genetics? Now some women may think that it's just impossible for them.
They are either lean by nature or simply have bad genetics for a well shaped buttocks.
They figure bum implants might be their only option to acquire the bum they always dreamed of having.
In these cases, you are either an ectomorph, or you simply suffer from something known as "lazy glutes".
Being an ectomorph means having a body type that simply can't seem to pack on pounds (and therefore curves) pretty much anywhere, except maybe the belly.
To both these issues, solutions exist.
Ectomorphs typically have a high metabolism, preventing them from building muscle mass and from acquiring a curvy figure.
They would benefit from eating more or/and eating differently.
Healthy fat intake throughout the day is necessary for ectomorphs in order to not run out of energy (at which point their bodies usually starts burning muscle tissue).
Those with lazy glutes need to focus on activating the glutes regularly, resulting in better motor patterns that effectively recruit the muscles in the bum.
This is done by exercise, and paying careful attention to squeeze the glutes.
Either way, as soon as you find out and dig into the reason your bum has been lacking, then you know what to do to reverse your condition.
Also keep in mind that achieving your goals through your own effort, and through means that could not be considered "cheating", the result will leave you much more self confident and satisfied.

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