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5 Causes of Cellulite to Watch Out For

A cellulite is a fatty deposit in one or several specific areas of the body. It is usually found around the thighs, the buttocks, stomach, neck and the upper arm. Because men have different fat distribution, have thicker skin and stronger fat cells, they have lesser fatty deposits as compared to women.

Scientifically, this fatty deposit is called adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, and status protrusus cutis. This common skin condition is also known as orange peek syndrome and cottage cheese skin.

There are several causes of cellulite:

1. Many people say that excess estrogen or hormonal imbalance causes these fatty deposits. Estrogen is a hormone important in the development and function of a female reproductive system.

2. Obesity is also considered to be one of the causes of this skin deformation. Obese people have higher risks of getting these deposits than thin people. However, questions were brought up as to why skinny women also have this condition.

3. Free radicals have been pointed out also a cause. Free radicals include processed foods, smoking, burnt foods, alcohol, preservatives, pesticides, infections, stress, poor elimination of body waste.

4. Poor lymphatic and blood circulation due to lack of exercise is also one cause. A sedentary life definitely affects one's blood circulation and lymphatic system.

5. Harsh massages damage the network of lymphatic vessels thus, leading to this condition.

It is significant to mention that these factors may or may not be contributory to the formulation of cellulite. Every person's body has its own adaptability and differs from one another.

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