Home & Garden Furniture

How to Measure For Wall and Floor Tiling

How to work out how many tiles are required to cover a wall (inc.
Border): To work out how many tiles are required for the top section of the wall you add together the length of each wall then multiply it by the required height this gives you how many square metres are required.
(See example 2).
To work out how many borders are required you add together the length of each wall then deduct the width of the door and divide by the width of the border.
1 (Bottom Tile) 1.
5 + 1.
5 + 1.
8 + 1.
8 = 6.
6 x 1 = 6.
6 sqm Eg.
2 (Top Tile) 1.
5 + 1.
5 + 1.
8 + 1.
8 = 6.
6 x 1.
4 = 9.
24 sqm Eg.
3 (Borders) 1.
5 + 1.
5 + 1.
8 + 1.
8 = 6.
6 - 0.
75 (door) = 5.
85 liner metres Once you have worked out the overall coverage for the walls you need to deduct out for the bath, door & window.
To deduct a door you multiply the width by the height (that the tile covers) deduct a window if it is large.
You deduct all other objects in the same manner as the door once all measurements are equated add 10% to allow for wastage.
Similar rules apply for floors: - How to work out how many tiles are required to cover a floor: If you are measuring in metres you multiply the two measurements.
5 x 3 = 13.
5 sqm (Add 10% to allow for wastage) = 15 sqm.

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