How to Read Textbooks Effectively
- 1). Read the introduction. Although this section of a textbook is typically never read by students, it can be a valuable resource. The introduction will instruct you on how the book is organized and how to learn from it. Textbooks, depending on the subject, have their own personality. The introduction is a place to get to know the textbook.
- 2). Take a look at the table of contents and index. These sections are valuable since they direct the reader to specific places in the book. It will also detail how the book is organized and what it contains.
- 3). Preview the chapter. Read the chapter introduction and conclusion, section headlines, definitions and first paragraph of each section. Also review any charts and graphs. Skim the rest of the chapter.
- 4). Read the assigned chapter from start to finish in one sitting. Do not skip around or skim. Read every sentence, breakout box, example and any questions or review points at the end of the chapter. Highlight the critical concepts, definitions, method and sequences.
- 5). Answer the questions at the end of the chapter without looking at the book. This will give you an idea of what have learned and what you have to brush up on. For the questions that you missed, go back into the chapter and reread the material specific to the question.
- 6). Review the chapter a few days after the first reading. This time read the chapter introduction and conclusion, section headlines, definitions and first paragraph of each section. Also review any charts and graphs. Skim the rest of the chapter.