How to Straighten a Wig Without Hurting the Nylon
- 1). Pin the wig to a foam wig form. Place pushpins at the front, center, nap and temples. For hair longer than shoulder length, you may need more pins to support the weight of the wig.
- 2). Comb out the wig using a wide-toothed comb. Work from the ends of the hair toward the scalp to avoid tearing out the hair.
- 3). Attach the wig form to tripod. If one is not available and the wig is short, you can use a 2-liter bottle filled with water. The stand height should allow the wig to hang freely and not drag on the work surface.
- 4). Set the wig form standing inside the bathtub.
- 5). Fill a pot with water and heat it on the stove. Use a meat thermometer to measure the temperature of the water. Bring the water to 180 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature will make the nylon fibers pliable without melting them.
- 6). Carry the pot to the bathroom, and carefully pour the water over the wig. Start at the front of the wig and work backwards. Completely saturate the wig. This may take several pots of water for long wigs.
- 7). Spray the wig with detangler made specifically for wigs. Quickly but gently, comb the hair flat while it is still warm. This will maximize the straightening effects of the warm water.
- 8). Allow the wig to dry completely. Do not use a blow dryer to speed the process. Once the hair has cooled, you can blot the hair with a towel.
- 9). Comb the wig once dry and assess the results. If the wig is still too curly for your taste, repeat Steps 5 through 8 until you have obtained the desired result.