Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

How to Cure Acid Reflux Naturally - 3 Simple Tips

If you want to learn how to cure acid reflux naturally you don't need to look any further than the internet.
There are dozens of different manuals that give you very simple step by steps guides that will show you how changing minor things in your diet and eating habits will cure your acid reflux naturally.
Some even have programs that will alleviate your acid reflux within 1 week, and the really good ones back up their words with money back guarantees.
Here are 3 tips that show you just how simple it is to cure acid reflux naturally: 1- Drink plenty of water - Every healthy person knows that water is an essential part of life.
How much water should you drink? A general rule is half your body's weight in ounces.
If you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water per day.
Drinking a glass of water after every meal will create a tight seal for your LES muscle which will keep stomach acids down.
2- Cut out the Coffee - You should cut back to 1 cup of coffee per day.
If you can't, then you should definitely drink some water afterward so you can get the acidic residue cleansed from the LES and esophagus.
3- Time to Eat! - Don't over eat.
You should eat smaller portions throughout the day (5-6 times).
When you eat, chew your food thoroughly.
You will be surprised doing this one thing will impact your health.
These are only 3 very basic things you can do to help your acid reflux flare ups.
However, if you are trying to learn how to cure acid reflux naturally, then you should definitely invest in learning about your health and body.
You don't have to be a health freak, you just have to know what triggers what.
Usually when you go to the doctor you will be prescribed some pills, Prilosec or Nexium, but all these pills do is ease the symptoms and keep you dependent on the pharmacy and a slave to your acid reflux.
If you learn how to cure acid reflux naturally, you will literally cure this problem at the root, which means that you can say good bye to those antacids and pills.
Consequently, when you learn how to cure acid reflux naturally you can finally look forward to dinner dates, family gatherings, holidays and any other food centered event without clutching your pill bottle in anticipation of that burning acid reflux sensation.

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