Health & Medical Nutrition

An Overview on the Benefits of Fat

Many of our favorite as well as beneficial foods contain some amount of fat in any form. Without fat you can not have good taste of food like creaminess of ice cream and smooth crispiness of cookies. Fat adds taste to our food as well as it is necessary to good health hence it is very essential to have some form of fat in our diet. Nutritional fats provide strength to body, vitality and assist body in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, and E.
This is a fact that we can not live without having fat in our food. The only thing that depends on us is to limit the level of fat and include balanced amount of fat in diet. Reduction of fat in diet does not always lead to low calories hence it is better to compare nutrition label and evaluate the fat content of the products. Some products contain low fat but it's calorie content may be either higher or lower or even equal to a regular product.
You can add lower fat versions of food items like confections, yogurt, milk, cheeses, frozen desserts and salted snacks. Sometimes removal of fat leaves tasteless food, for this it is essential to make perfect combinations of ingredients. To produce food which is not only full of taste as well as contains low fat versions of similar foods, perfect combination of ingredients is used. Replacement of ingredients provides same taste and texture of fats but it contains lower amount of calories. For example carbohydrates like starches and gums add thickness in food and also provide fat like smooth texture and moisture in food.
However, all fat is not bad for health. There are some forms of fat which are not only healthful to body but also save body from diseases. Monounsaturated fat is considered a healthy fat without any adverse effects on body. It provides protection from cancer and heart disease. One of the best option of taking monounsaturated fat in food is olive oil. Another form of healthy fat is polyunsaturated fat. It provides all the necessary fatty acids for healthy skin and assist in the development of body cells

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