Health & Medical Lose Weight

Stop Dieting and Start Losing Weight - Rid Waste From Your Body and Lose Weight

By now, I hope you are interested in learning how to get all the toxins and waste out of your body.
With the Web bulging with what appears to be daily new ads claiming their colon cleanser is the new 'miracle' product, I know it can be hard to try to discern who has a good colon cleanser.
I can tell you that there are several effective colon cleansers and on occasion, I refer people to them.
But I always believe you should try to work with nature first and then if you need a bit of help, you can try some colon cleanser products.
I have learned that although one brand of colon cleanser performs wonderfully for some people, and may not do as well for others.
Therefore, if need be, make sure you use a minimum of two or three various colon cleansers until you ascertain the one that actually cleans you out.
In addition to taking a colon cleanser, you need to step up your fiber consumption to 60% more than what most Americans eat.
In other words, you should eat four 8 oz servings of fruits and five 12 oz vegetable servings daily, without exception! Don't reach for canned or processed fruits and veggies for they have be emptied of their essential nutrients and enzymes.
At the bare minimum, your body needs the daily allotment of fruits and vegetables I mentioned before to assist it in removing toxins and waste naturally and to feed it essential nutrients to fosters correct body functions.
Quit whining and begin eating abundant quantities of raw fruits and vegetables.
If you are transitioning to eating this amount of raw fruits and vegetables, then perhaps you can take a natural fiber supplement on a short term basis, only until you have gotten into the routine of eating delicious fresh fruits and veggies.
One way you can take time to tend to your body's needs, is by eating fresh, raw (as much as possible) fruits and veggies left in their unspoiled state as intended by God.
For those of you who have been meat, diary, and other animal products consumers, you need to do at least 2 colon cleanses to free your system from years of accumulated waste, toxins, and undigested meat impacted in your intestines.
For more information on undigested meat in your intestines, watch for my upcoming articles.
Before you begin, tell your doctor and take particular precaution, if needed, if you are taking any medicine.
Remember, to achieve good health, don't skimp the amount of whole grains, raw nuts, and fresh fruits and vegetables you eat.
You need to daily consume 60% from these food groups.
Another important component to getting and staying healthy is water.
While you are cleaning out your colon and there after, you need to drink approximately eight 8 oz glasses of water everyday to flush the toxic accumulation and impacted waste material from your body.
Among the berry family, are among the most powerful foods for cleaning your colon and removing toxins.
Berries including black berries, blue berries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, plus apples, cherries, FRESH whole figs, papaya, pears, plums, prunes, oranges, well you get the idea, are all highly effective in energizing peristalsis movement in your digestive track, evicting impacted waste, and keeping you regular.
Other top-notch methods to assist the colon cleanse process is to eat whole grain and bran cereals.
Again, it comes back to the original diet to achieve peak health! Eat plenty of vegetables of all varieties including lots of green leafy vegetables served raw or prepared with very little cooking.
Include in you food line up loads of asparagus, broccoli, chard, collard greens, kale, lettuce of all varieties (except iceberg), mustard greens, spinach and then some.
While you are cleansing your colon, eliminate meat and dairy products and as a matter of fact, you should stay off of all flesh, animal derived foods, and by products for the rest of your life if you want to stay healthy.

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